Don't Touch Me

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!!!TW: Use of F slur (Last Sentence), reference to SA.!!!!
This is a pretty heavy chapter, so please take a break and get some water if you need to. I don't want to distress any of you.

You might need that bullet later

Muichiro reminded himself as he clambered over towards the bags, lighter in hand.

He ran his hands across the wood, flicking the lighter on and holding the flame up.

It took several seconds for the wall to light, but once it had Muichiro crept back, taking up his position near his bag.

He waited patiently, eyes fixed on the bag that was right there. He wished he could just snatch in there and then, but the guns a few meters away reminded him why he couldn't do that.

Getting Shot didn't seem very pleasant.

The fire was growing rapidly, and Muichiro could feel sweat dripping down his back from how close he was to the deadly flames.

By the time the group noticed the fire several seconds later, Muichiro was sure he was going to be burnt alive.

There was a chorus of yelling and swearing as they all barreled towards the exit, ditching their supplies.

Muichiro was more than glad to be out of the fire, practically leaping out into the pile of bags, tripping and stumbling.

He stepped through them as fast as possible, eyes scanning the heap for his bag.

He managed to make his way to the front of the pile, spotting the familiar black fabric of his old demon slayer uniform, accompanied by the stained fabric of the shirt he had been wearing.

He snatched the bag up, realizing that he had no efficient way of carrying it without abandoning his other bag. The bag with Genya's gun and Yukata.

There was no way he was leaving either bag behind.

He could stop to try and pack as much stuff in one bag as possible, but the fire behind him was spreading quickly, and he didn't have time for that.

Muichiro grit his teeth, pulling the newly acquired bag close to his chest. He'd just have to run while holding it.

He whipped around, but the path he had come through was now consumed by flames.

He fled the other way, making sure to take a different doorway than the one Fuck face and his followers had piled out of.

The doorway unfortunately did not lead outside as Muichiro had hoped, instead it opened up to a stairwell, and he was forced to race up them, not wanting to turn back and risk facing the group and their guns.

As he reached the top of the stairwell, he came to a horrific realization. Half of the room had already begun burning, and there were no more stairs to run up.

This was a shit idea.

He repeated in his mind, frantically searching the room for an escape route.

The window.

He raced over to the window, peering over the edge, and seeing the group of people below him.

He locked eyes with a boy, and he was immediately staring down the barrel of a gun. He ducked down just as a bullet flew through the window, hitting the roof above him.

The shot caused a commotion with the people below him, but as they quietened, Muichiro could feel they were looking up at the window, waiting for him to poke his head out.

He didn't have much of a choice did he?

He took a few deep breaths, jumping up and leaping out the window.

He tried to ignore the sound of gunfire as he hit the ground, taking off in a sprint towards another building.

He flung open a random door, darting inside towards the back.

The back door was jammed, but it only took Muichiro a few seconds to force it open, rushing outside.

He began to race down an alleyway, still clutching the bag, when something slammed into his back, knocking him to the floor and sending the backpack flying out of his grasp.

He looked up to see none other than the ringleader prick, fuck face as Muichiro had named him, pushing his foot into the young boy's back. He must have run around and waited to ambush him.

The group that had been chasing him drew closer, snickering at his capture and pointing their guns at him.

Fuck Face yanked at Muichiro's flowing hair, pulling him to his knees.

"Well hello again."

He sneered, clearly entertained by Muichiro struggling in his grip.

"Came to steal your stuff back did you?"

Muichiro glared at his captor, feeling dozens of eyes trained on him.

"What are you gonna do? Shoot me?" He snapped, immediately wanting to take it back. If those were his last words he'd probably die of shame in heaven.

The guy smirked.

"Nah, I'm not that nice."

He looked up at his group.

"What do you guys think we should do with him? After all, he needs a fitting punishment."

Muichiro couldn't hear what was shouted back, but the few snippets he caught made him shudder.

Mostly stuff along the lines of 'throw him in the fire.'

The leader seemed to have other plans for him though.

He looked him up and down, smiling slyly.

"Y'know, you really look like a girl."

He hummed, standing right in front of him.

"And my crew and I are getting pretty lonely out here."

It took Muichiro multiple seconds to fully register what he meant by that.

"I'd rather you just shoot me."

He spat.

All it earned him was a chuckle.

"The thing with punishments is that you don't get a choice."

Muichiro bit his tongue, trying to keep his body from trembling.

This was not happening. He couldn't let this happen. He didn't want this to happen.

"I'm taken."

He blurted out, saying anything that would stop this from happening.

"Really Now." The guy raised an eyebrow. "'Cause I can't see your little girlfriend around here."

"He's not a girl." Muichiro snarled before he could stop himself. He wished he could take the words back the moment he saw the leader's face twist into a malicious smirk.

"So your a fag are you? Guess your going to enjoy this a whole lot more then."


-Your fav Genderfluid Aro Author.

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