Chapter 22 - Another perspective

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◈ Armin ◈

A shiver shoots down my spine as I hear Zariya's body make contact with the ground, the thud of her body slamming down mixed with the echoing screams around me consumes me whole.

"Zariya! No!" I yell urgently, dismounting my horse stumbling to her side and falling to the ground. I scoop her unconscious body into my arms, my hands shaking as I do. "Zariya, stay with me!" I desperately cry holding her head to my chest, she is covered in blood too much for it to be her own but I still can help but feel the need to search her body for wounds. Snapping my head over my shoulder, I watch Rosette crying over Jean's body while Gen is still mounted on Zariya's horse Atlas, trying to round up our horses which we have abandoned.

"Oh god Zariya, please!" I shriek while gently shaking her body hoping for some sort of reaction. The tears streaming from my eyes drop on her face leaving a streak on her forehead that is no longer coated in blood. I feel the ground gently shake beneath my legs as I look up through my tears to the titan approaching us, it would be no more than 3 or 4 metres but nevertheless there is nothing I can do. I'm practically useless when it comes to actual real life conflict, all I do is hide away and wait for Mikasa or Eren to save me. Mikasa and Eren. My breathing shallows as I frantically look around trying to find them in this chaotic mess.

The titan comes closer, making me fall onto my back, Zariya's unconscious body still resting in my arms. I wrap my hand across her body holding her close to my chest as I pick up my sword and attempt to keep the titan away. Waving my sword around like a fool, the tears in my eyes continue to blur my vision, I cry out for help but my whimpers are too soft for anyone to hear. Why, why do I have to be so god damn weak all the time.

I continue to wave my sword in front of me, keeping the titan at bay.

"Come on Zariya! Wake up! I need you to wake up! Please!" My voice cracks as I continue to push myself back away from the advancing titan. When Zariya doesn't respond nor does her body even move apart from occasional uneven rising and falling of her chest to signify she is still alive, I know that I am on my own. I continue to move backwards until I feel my back make contact with the trunk of a tree behind me. "AH! No! I can't let her die! I can't- she" I bawl tears streaming from my eyes onto her face. Looking down at Zariya, I move the hair from her eyes, although she is unconscious now she will need to be able to see when she wakes up. "Go away!" I scream again, looking up at the titan.

Eren's scream echoes through the field, capturing not only mine, but the attention of the titan in front of me. Suddenly the titan stands up and flees away from Zariya and I, running in the direction of Eren's scream.

"Huh?" I breathe following the titan with my eyes. Zariya gasps beside me making me urgently snap my head at her, she looks up at me completely disoriented.

"Zariya!" I cry, hugging her to my chest. Once I let go she rapidly sits up, coughing while holding onto her chest, droplets of blood escaping her mouth as she does. Continuing to cough uncontrollable she struggles to breath, hitting her chest as she does before holding her hand to her mouth. I quickly move my hand to her back and she relaxes herself against my arm, falling back on to me.

"We- We have to go! Can- Can you walk?" I ask her before helping her up. If we waste another minute here that titan will come back. She gently nods her head before holding on to me while standing up, however as I let go of her, her body becomes limp against me. "Zariya!" I cry wrapping my arms around her stopping her from falling again. I quickly look up to see Gen approaching with Atlas and mine horse, Rosette following on her horse not far behind with Jean's unconscious body behind her.

"You guys have got to hurry up! We're retreating!" Gen exclaims reaching Zariya and I.

"Okay! But Zariya is in no shape to ride on her own!" I say walking towards them guiding Zariya, my arms still securely wrapped around her keeping her up.

"Don't worry about that now! Just both of you get on your horse Armin and I'll ride Atlas back." Gen instructs, guiding my horse Apollo to me.

"Right!" I exclaim quickly guiding Zariya, who is barely conscious onto him, before mounting him in front of her and taking the reins.

"Soldiers! RETREAT!" Commander Erwin demands somewhere within close vicinity to us. I look over to Rosette and nod my head to Jean, in return she simply shakes her head before redirecting her horse to follow the scouts fleeing around us.

I notice Historia and Connie coming towards us followed by Ymir when she suddenly stops.

"Hey ugly! Get with the program! We were given an order!" Connie yells approaching me, however he slows down and comes to a stop looking back at her and Historia.

"Come on Armin, we have to go." Gen calls beside me before taking off after Rosette.

"Right~" I mutter to myself doing the same, however my eyes are still fixated on Ymir and Historia. I watch as Ymir's titan gently pats her on the head before letting go and chasing after Reiner. Connie catches my attention as he runs past me back towards Historia, he takes the reins pulling her to follow the rest of us. I continue to watch as Ymir reaches Reiner and the others, completely shocked and confused by the motivation of her decision.

"Armin! Come on!" Gen yells again further away waving to me. I finally tear my eyes from Reiner and Ymir and focus on catching up to the others. I feel Zariya's breathing on the back of my neck making me both nervous and relieved, her breathing has become more calm and controlled but I still can't get the image of her body slamming into the ground out of my head, wincing every time I hear that horrid noise echo in my mind.

"Ar-Armin..." Zaryia whispers softly behind me. I take in a sharp breath at the fragility of her voice, she is so strong, but sometimes I forget that she merely just a teenager like me, I have always seen her as something more, invincible even, but seeing her in this state is just a reminder that I can never be so weak that I allow this to happen again.

"It's okay Zariya just rest." I whisper back to her, carefully putting her arms around me so she doesn't fall. I hear her murmur something under her breath but it isn't loud enough for me to hear.

◈ ◈ ◈

Finally after what feels like an eternity I see Eren and Mikasa ahead riding together, I lost Gen and Rosette a while ago when the sun was still setting. Zariya still peacefully rests behind me as I direct Apollo to fall into step with Eren's horse. I look at him for a moment, Mikasa securely wrapped around him as he stares into the sky, "Eren~" I whisper.

"He's dead." He mutters looking down at his horse, "Hannes is dead" He states again looking up at me, I take in a sharp breath as he speaks. "The titan that killed my mother, it- it killed him too." He scoffs looking back up at the sky trying to fight away his tears, Mikasa tightly hugs him again as he does. I try to think of something to say but all I can do is continue staring at the walls ahead as they get closer and closer, all this, everything~ what is it all for? Sometimes it seems as though I forget. 

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