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🌟 Spoiler Alert! 🌟

My eyes roamed over his every facial feature, each detail a puzzle I couldn't quite place. There was something unsettlingly familiar about him-his touch, the warmth of his care, and the kindness woven into his every action. It felt as though a fragment of my memory lay buried deep within me, whispering of moments we had shared, yet I had no recollection of ever being with him.

He was a stranger who had entered my life so abruptly, reshaping the existence I had known for the past four years into something undeniably beautiful. But why? Why did he care so deeply? Why did he respect my decisions as if they mattered in a way I had never experienced before?

His presence ignited a flicker of hope within me, as I grappled with the confusion of my feelings. This man, who had suddenly woven himself into the fabric of my life, was changing everything. I felt lost yet profoundly changed, caught in a whirlwind of emotions that begged the question: What had I forgotten?


💖 I gazed at her face, a tender smile gracing my lips. I always want her near me, and I vowed never to leave her side unless she chose to walk away. With every beat of my heart, I promised myself to give her every happiness imaginable, ensuring that I would never hurt her, not even in my dreams.

It's astounding how she so swiftly became entwined in my heart, how effortlessly my soul accepted her as if she had always been its only inhabitant. It feels as though she has been the rightful owner of my heart for ages. I am profoundly grateful-perhaps even lucky-that she has entered my life.

"I love you, Y/n"

I whispered, the words overflowing with sincerity.

"I love you so much"

But-my voice never reached her ears.


😢 I smiled as tears streamed down my cheeks. The feeling remains the same, yet the person has changed. But in my heart, there will always be you, Kookie. That day, you were beside me, and now there's someone else beside me. You have become my sweetest memory, one I will never forget.

"I love you, my Kook. I will love you always."

I whispered, a smile gracing my lips as I recalled the beautiful moments we shared.


💔 I sighed, longing to hold her close, but I know I can't. She has her own decisions to make, and her heart is still tethered to Jungkook. I respect that, yet a part of me yearns to be loved by her. I want to shower her with the happiness she truly deserves.

I won't confess my love; doing so would only complicate this already delicate situation. Instead, I'll do my best to suppress my feelings and provide her with every reason to embrace joy.


🌌 "I love you, my Kook. I'll love you always"

Y/n whispered, her eyes closed, tears streaming down her cheeks, yet a smile lingered on her lips. The sight clenched my heart-she loves him. My heart bled at the realization of how deeply she loves him, even in his absence. He may be gone, but she has chosen to hold onto that love.

Tears finally escaped from my eyes as I looked up at the sky, reflecting on the moments we shared. I hadn't been searching for anyone when Y/n entered my life, but now it feels as if a part of me has always longed for her.

Somewhere deep down, I know I may never have her love. The way she cherishes him is something my mere affection cannot alter. She has chosen to love him through his memories, while I choose to love her simply by witnessing her happiness.

My love for her will remain unwavering, whether she reciprocates it or not. I will always love her, even if my heart bears the weight of one-sided affection.


🔞 Spoiler Alert 🔞


He urged, his large hands cradling her bare br*asts with a tender yet possessive grip.


she called out desperately, her voice tinged with a mix of uncertainty and desire.

"Hmm, love? Don't you want this?"

He replied, his movements pausing as he locked his gaze onto her.

She gulped, her throat tightening, and glanced down at him, a whirlwind of emotion swirling within her.

"You must be tired and hungry"

She suggested, attempting to deflect the palpable tension in the air.

He nodded, his eyes still fixed on her, as if searching for answers.

"Is that your 'only' concern?"

He asked, his voice low and husky, igniting a fire within her.

She nodded again, her heart racing, caught between longing and hesitation.

"Then let me have you"

He whispered, burying his face into her cleavage as she inhaled a shaky breath, the world around them fading into nothingness.



As Y/n and Jungkook drifted into a peaceful sleep, wrapped in each other's warmth, the quiet night seemed to cradle their dreams. The love they shared was pure and unwavering, filling their hearts with hope for the future. They envisioned a life filled with joy, their little one bringing them closer with each passing day. In that moment, everything felt perfect-simple, yet profound.

But outside the safe haven of their home, the world was far from quiet. The seeds of discord had already been sown by Sung Min, Y/n's father, who seethed with a growing fury. His mind churned with thoughts of betrayal, of how his daughter had defied him, choosing love over the wealth and status he had meticulously built. In his eyes, Jungkook was a threat-a reminder that his daughter had chosen someone beneath their station, someone who could never stand on equal ground with him.

As the hours ticked by, the night deepened, and while Y/n and Jungkook dreamed of a bright future, shadows lurked just beyond their reach. Sung Min's anger was not a fleeting emotion- it was a storm gathering strength, ready to unleash its fury. The dreams they cherished so dearly, the future they longed to build, all of it hung in a delicate balance-poised to shatter with the first strike of Sung Min's hand.

Would their love be enough to weather the storm? Or would it be swept away by the relentless tide of Sung Min's wrath? Only time would tell if the dreams they held so close would come to fruition or if they would be crushed under the weight of a father's vengeance. For now, they slept, unaware of the battles that lay ahead, their hearts entwined with hope, but their fate uncertain.


Gonna add more, have patience ~。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
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