Frigga Gets Angry At Odin

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Chapter 13

Frigga saw what had transpired with the other prince and princess and she knew that Odin had put them up to it. It made Frigga mad, so she went to confront Odin. Odin saw his queen coming to him and he could tell that she was in a bad mood. When Frigga reached Odin, she lost it. "How dare you try and put a wedge between them! You know that Loki loves her, and you don't even seem to care!" Odin was quiet for a moment then he finally spoke, "I did it for my son's sake. He deserves a princess, not a servant for a wife." Frigga said, "You seem to have forgotten, my husband, that you made her a noble. So, she is no longer a servant." Odin started to frown because he knew that his wife was right. Odin finally said, "I was just trying to show Loki that even though she is now a noble, she still had the servant ways." Frigga asked, "What do you mean by that, Odin?" Odin said, "It's simple, my wife. I was referring to the fact that she would go to any man as long as he was a prince." Frigga said, "You mean that you think that all female servants are nothing but gold-digging tramps." Odin said, "Well, aren't they. All they want is a man with a title and treasure." Frigga gets angry and said, "NO THEY ARE NOT! Especially Sasha, she loves Loki for himself not because he's a prince." Odin knew he had made his wife angry. So, he tried to smooth things over with her by saying that he was just looking out for Loki, to which Frigga said, "Loki doesn't need your protection, Odin. Especially from Sasha because she would never do anything to hurt him." Odin tells Frigga, "I'm sorry my queen. Forgive me, I was just trying to protect our son." Frigga said, "Our youngest son is very capable of taking care of himself, just like our older son is."

Loki held Sasha close to him and asked her, "Are you sure that you are, ok?" Sasha answered, "I believe so. I'm just shaken up a bit. Why would he do that to me, after me telling him that I was with you?" Loki replied, "I don't know love, but it won't happen again." Loki asked Sasha, "Do you want to dance, or would you rather sit down for a while?" Sasha answers, "I think that I could dance as long as you don't leave me again." Loki said, "Don't worry sweetheart, I'm not leaving you again." So, they went to the dance floor and danced for a while. Loki had some of the princesses try to "cut in" but Loki refused to accept. It was the same with Sasha, but Loki refused to let them "cut in" and of course nobody would dare to argue with the prince of Asgard. After they danced for a while, they went and got something to drink. Mead for Loki and red wine for Sasha. Frigga and Odin saw them getting something to drink and when they refused to let anyone "cut in" on their dance. Frigga said, "See Odin they are in love. They would not even let someone else "cut in" on their dance." Odin nodded his head and said, "So, I see, my queen." After Loki and Sasha had their drinks, they went and sat down in a corner. As they were sitting there a princess came up and asked Loki to dance but he politely told her no. Sasha asked Loki, "Are you sure that you don't want to dance with any of those princesses?" Loki said, "No, I don't. You are all that I want." Sasha asked, "But isn't this a ball for you to find a wife?" Loki answers, "Yes, it is but I have already found the one that I want to have as my wife, so there is no need for me to look anywhere else." Sasha asked "You have? Who is it?" Loki just smiles at her then asks, "Don't you know sweetheart?" Sasha just smiled at Loki because she had a feeling that she did know who he was referring to but she wanted to make sure that she was right before she got too excited.

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