Prince Donovan Threatens Odin

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Chapter 18

Sasha was still in the kitchen when Loki found her. Loki asked her, "Sasha my love, why didn't you come to me this morning? My father and I were just discussing the royal duties for the day and the ones that I will have after we are married. It wasn't anything that could have waited." Sasha answered, "I didn't want to disturb you and your father." Loki looked into Sasha's eyes and said, "You could never disturb anything." Chef Hans fixed some breakfast for Loki too and he and Sasha ate their breakfast together. After they had breakfast, Loki and Sasha walked around the palace hand in hand. Unbeknownst to them, Prince Donovan had entered the palace and was on his way to talk to Odin. Prince Donovan saw Loki and Sasha walking together and it made him mad because he wanted Sasha for himself. Prince Donovan finds Odin and asks him, "Odin, all mighty All Father, I have come to take what you have promised me." Odin gets off of his throne and tells the arrogant prince, "I told you last night that you do not have any hold on her because my son is going to marry her. So, why have you come here today?" Prince Donovan said, "You made me a promise, All Father and I'm going to make sure that you keep it." Odin gets angry and tells Prince Donovan, "I told you already you have no hold on her. So, leave this palace. Now!" Prince Donovan replies, "Not without the one you have promised me." Odin got even angrier and said, "I told you to leave now!" When the prince didn't move, Odin summoned his royal guards. When the guards arrive, Odin tells them, "Remove this arrogant prince from my palace at once." Prince Donovan said, "You can't do this to me, I am a royal prince of Niflheim!" Odin said, "But you have no authority to make demands on Asgard. I rule Asgard, not you! Take him away!" The royal guards took a hold of Prince Donovan and started to take him away. Prince Donovan yells out, "You throw me out then there will be war against Asgard!" Odin just stood there and listened to Prince Donovan's threat. Odin finally said, "Asgard is not afraid to go to war with any realm, including yours." After the royal guards threw Prince Donovan out, he swore that he would get his revenge on Odin for deceiving him.

Frigga hears all of the commotion coming from the throne. So, she went to Odin and asked him what just happened. Odin answers, "Prince Donovan wanted me to give him Sasha like I promised but I refused." Frigga said, "I'm glad that you did not give in to him, my husband." Odin said, "I would not hurt my son in that way. I should have never even asked that annoying prince to do anything." Frigga said, "I agree, my husband and I'm glad that you also see it." Odin said, "However, the prince promised that there would be a war between Asgard and Niflheim." Frigga said, "Oh no. Odin what will you do?" Odin answers, "Have no fear my queen. Asgard is quite able to protect itself. If that should happen." Frigga said, "But Odin, war? Asgard hasn't been to war with any of the realms in a long time." Odin said, "I will not be starting the war, my queen but I will defend Asgard at all costs."

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