Odin Summons Sasha

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Chapter 23

Once Sasha got back to her room, she sat down on her couch. She was trying to wrap her head around everything that just happened a few hours ago. She still couldn't believe that she and Loki actually made love. It was like a dream come true. She never would have imagined that he would actually love her enough to make love to her. Frigga came to Sasha's room a few minutes later and she asked Sasha, "Do you get a chance to talk to Loki?" Sasha hoped she could lie enough to make Frigga believe her. Sasha said, "Yes, I did talk to him after I didn't hear any more noises coming from his room." Frigga said, "So, he was throwing things in his room." Sasha answered, "Yes." Frigga said, "That sounds about right. He does that when he's really mad. That's why I told you to let him calm down first before going after him." Sasha asked Frigga, "Have you spoken to him yet?" She already knew the answer because she was in Loki's room when Frigga was talking to him. She just wanted to make it sound believable. Frigga answered, "Yes, I have but I didn't go into his room because he said he wasn't dressed. He must have decided to take a hot bath to calm down." Sasha asked, "Oh really, I didn't know that." Frigga said, "There are quite a few things that you don't know about your future husband, but you will learn them soon enough." Frigga turned around to leave but stopped, then turned back around to face Sasha. "My dear, did Loki ever tell you who taught him his magic?" Sasha said, "No, he hasn't." Frigga smiled warmly at Sasha and said, "I did." Sasha was shocked. She didn't know that Frigga knew magic. Sasha asked, "You taught him?" Frigga answered, "Yes, my dear. Loki isn't the only one in the family that knows how to do magic." Sasha said, "I never knew that you could do magic even when I was just your chambermaid." Frigga smiles and says, "Well, my dear I don't go around and show it off like Loki does. He's proud of his magic. You will have to get him to show you some of his magic one day. He's really very good at it. I'm proud of him and what he has accomplished with it." Sasha said, "I will get him to show me his magic." Frigga said, "I'm sure that you will be very impressed by it. Just like I am." Then Frigga leaves Sasha's room. Sasha got to thinking that since Frigga knew how to do magic then she could have entered Loki's room at any given time, but she didn't.

Loki saw his mother leaving Sasha's room and wondered what his mother had said to her. Loki went to Sasha's room to check on her. Loki knocked on her door and waited for her to come. Sasha opened the door and Loki smiled at her. Loki asked her, "What did my mother want?" Sasha said, "She just asked me I have talked to you since you left your father's throne room. And I told her yes, but I didn't tell her anything else." Loki said, "Good. Even though I think mother wouldn't say anything about what we did, father would." Loki looks at Sasha and asks. "Are you still hurting?" Sasha said, "A little but it's not too bad." Loki pulled Sasha into his arms and said, "The more we do it, the less it will hurt." Sasha had the feeling that she knew what he was hinting at, but she wasn't ready for that again. Sasha said, "I'm sure you are right, Loki but I'm not ready to do it again. I still hurt some." Loki said, "That's why we need to do it again, so you won't hurt as much." Sasha just shook her no. Loki gave the sad puppy dog eyes trying to make her change her mind, but she didn't. Sasha shook her, "That's not going to work." Loki said, "Oh well, I tried." Sasha laughed at him and said, "Yes, you did try." Loki said, "But I'm not giving up that easy, baby." Just as Loki started to kiss Sasha, there was a knock on her door. Sasha laughed and said, "Save by the knock." Loki said, "But not for long." Sasha goes to the door and opens it. There stood a royal guard he bowed, when Sasha opened the door. The guard said, "My lady, the All Father wishes to see you at once." Loki heard what the guard said and walked up to Sasha and asked, "What does my father want with her?" The guard bowed before Loki and answered, "I do not know, sire. I was just sent to get my lady." Sasha looked at Loki and he said, "Don't worry about a thing. I'm going with you." So, the royal guard, Sasha and Loki went to the royal throne room. When they reach the throne room, they see Odin sitting on his throne. The guard bowed before Odin and said, "Sire, I have brought lady Sasha." Odin looked to see Sasha and Loki standing before him. Odin, "I didn't want my son." The royal guard said, "Sire, the prince wanted to come too." Odin said, "So, I see. You may leave guard." The guard bowed then left the throne room. Odin and Loki have a stare off. Then Odin finally said, "I wish to speak to Sasha alone." Loki said, "It's not going to happen, father. I'm staying." Odin gets angry and tells Loki, "I want to talk to her alone." Loki said, "Not on your life......father." Odin could tell that he wasn't going to get anywhere with Loki, so he finally agreed to let him stay. Odin said, "Fine! Stay then," Loki said, "I plan on it." Sasha just looked at Odin and Loki not knowing what to expect. 

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