Chapter Three: Sailor Omicron

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Chapter Three: Sailor Omicron

Corinna was awakened by a loud bang and a bunch of screams throughout the castle walls.

"What the?" She asked out loud as she ran to the window and saw nothing. She was about to go to the door when it opened. "Princess Anna!"

"I can't find my sister anywhere! We are being attacked! You HAVE to do something!"

"Who is attacking you?"

"I do not know. My father told me to find Alexis and you."

"Stay here. Do not move. Do not leave. Where is everyone else?"

"In the throne room." Princess Anna stammered.

Corinna left her chambers, leaving the scared princess in her room, and headed down to the throne room. On the way, she transformed. She forcefully opened the throne room doors and saw the king and queen surrounded by a new species of aliens.

"And who are you?" One of them asked her.

"Sailor Aldebaran. Who are you?"

"A Sailor Scout? Here? But you are not Omicron. You cannot defeat us."

"I highly doubt that." Sailor Aldebaran answered. "What are you doing here?"

"We saw a great light travel here from Aldebaran. It must have been you. We'll take you prisoner and kill everyone else here."

"I would have to disagree with you on that one – on both accounts." Sailor Aldebaran replied. "Leave now why you still can."

"Why? What can you do? According to our stories you are weak. You couldn't defeat us last time."

"Last time?" She asked herself. "Was this the enemy that defeated me in my last life?"

"Listen well, Sailor Aldebaran. You cannot defeat us. No matter how strong you think you are, we always triumph."

"There's a first time for everything." Sailor Aldebaran stated proudly.

"Enough with the talking. Let's see how strong you are!" he said as he aimed his sword towards her.

"ALDEBARAN DOUBLE LASER BLAST!" She yelled just as she saw his sword glow.

Her attack disarmed him and his five cohorts in one shot.

"A new attack!" One of them yelled.

"A stronger attack too." Sailor Aldebaran retorted.

She did not see the fifth cohort take his spear and ready himself for an attack on her. He did not see Princess Anna standing at a back door staring at them glowing with a teal hue and the Omicron (Ο) symbol on her forehead.

Anna started to shake and cry. She had no idea what was going on. Alexis ran in and immediately ran to her sister's side.

"Anna, you have to say 'Omicron Star Power' now!" She told her sister firmly.

"Why? What is happening to me?"

"Just say it. I think you're Sailor Omicron. Not me like we always thought." Alexis answered. "Now say it."

"Okay." Anna said shivering. "Omicron Star Power."

Within moments she was transformed into Sailor Omicron, dressed in an all teal uniform identical to Sailor Aldebaran's. Her light blonde hair formed teal ends.

"OMICRON DOUBLE STAR ATTACK!" Princess Anna yelled once her transformation was completed.

Her attack disabled all of them at once and left her weak.

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