Chapter Twenty-One: With Victory Comes Defeat

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Chapter Twenty-One: With Victory Comes Defeat

Lord Columba made his way quietly back to the chamber where he was holding Aldebaran, only to find the girls had succeeded in rescuing her.

"Good." He said to himself quietly as he stood in the shadows and saw the girls talking in the outside room.

"Sailor Mini Moon, in all reality, just stay here. He'll show up."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because if he wasn't in the shadows again while I was in that cell, I know he'll make his way back to check in on your progress. If I am not hanging on that wall, he can assume you were successful on breaking me out."

"Care to enlighten us more?"

"While you were battling those soldiers he was watching. He gave Caelum that sword and then left not wanting to see you defeat Caelum. He came back to check to see if you got me out, which at that point you didn't."

"And you think he'll check again?"

"Sure. This place is lonely now for him. No soldiers to boss around. No friends from his past life to keep him company." His previous prisoner answered. "As far as he goes, I think he does want to be healed. He just doesn't want to admit it."

"Would this have anything to do with what Wezn told you?"

"A little." Aldebaran admitted.

"What the heck did Wezn tell her?" He suddenly found himself asking.

Feeling aggravated he left the room and decided it would be best to make a normal entrance rather than through the mirror. He didn't want to prove Aldebaran right, but he knew showing up would do so.

"Lord Columba." A familiar voice to Lord Columba stated interrupting his solitude. "You have underestimated the Senshi again."

"Fear not, my liege, for I have not. My five soldiers did well in fighting our enemy. I expected this to happen."

"So, now what will you do?"

"I will take out the enemy by myself. It is time I faced them in battle."

"Good choice." The man stated and then left Lord Columba alone again.

Lord Columba continued walking and came to an abrupt stop outside of two large doors.

"I guess I should make this a little fun for myself." He said out loud as he pushed open the two doors to reveal the laboratory.

~~With the Girls~~

"So what's the plan?" Ceres questioned about fifteen minutes later.

"The old plan will do fine." Aldebaran stated. "There's no use in coming up with a new tactic."

"Will we be able to retreat if Plan A doesn't work?" Polaris asked her.

"Yes, but for right now, I think our plan will be fine." Sailor Mini Moon stated agreeing with Aldebaran. "But this waiting around for the enemy isn't fun at all." She said and then paused again. "Waiting on the edge of battle is never fun."

The girls turned to Sailor Mini Moon after her odd comment.

"Mini Moon, you were never one to really go 'gung ho' in towards a fight, just like Sailor Moon."

"I know Vesta." The pink haired scout said as she looked back at them. "I want this to be over. And fast. Waiting for Lord Columba to show is a pain in the neck." She said as she sat down. "We are all exhausted, and this would be the best time for him to attack us."

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