Chapter Twenty-Four: Back to Enemy Lines

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Back To Enemy Lines

Aldebaran trained with the boomerang for about thirty minutes before Mercury and Jupiter mutually agreed that she could move onto the chakrams.

"Okay, so these are different." Mercury started to explain.

"They look like bracelets." Aldebaran mused as she looked the new chakrams over.

"Essentially they are, but they'll change shape once you start making them go around your wrist and fingers in circles."

"Like a hula hoop." Venus added smiling as she mimicked the motions.

Aldebaran glanced at her, while the other girls just rolled their eyes.

"I made these do that so that they aren't heavy to carry."

Aldebaran put one on each wrist and started to move her wrists to make them bigger. As they did she moved each to her fingers.

"And your dagger can sit behind your back in your skirt. It won't get sharp until you take it out."

"Good to know that I won't injure myself." Aldebaran joked.

"Well, get to it!" Mars scolded. "Let's see what you have."

Aldebaran messed around with her chakrams a little seeing how big she could make them, but eventually started to attack the girls for training.

An hour and a half later, King Endymion entered the room.

"What is going on in here?" He questioned as he approached Neo Queen Serenity.

"Aldebaran finally chose some toys and she's really good at them." The queen answered him. "The girls are helping her train while everyone is still sleeping."

"Ah, I see." He replied as he watched Aldebaran go up against Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury at once. "It makes me wonder if she could defeat Sailor Moon in battle."

Neo Queen Serenity just glared at him and went back to watching as well.

"Why did you come in?" She asked quickly changing the topic.

"To let everyone know breakfast will be served in a few moments. I already let Small Lady and the girls know."

"All right." She waited until the girls were taking a small break, which occurred a few minutes later. "Ladies, let's call it until you all eat." Neo Queen Serenity stated getting their full attention.

"Yes, my queen." The five said in unison.

After putting their weapons away and Aldebaran putting her chakrams on her wrists, they all headed out to the dining hall.

"Where were you this morning?" Omicron asked her as they were eating.

"Just a little extra morning training."

"Extra? Are you nuts?"

"Nope. I had my reasons." Aldebaran answered Juno's rhetorical question. "And you'll see what I mean when we go to the training room." She teased.

About thirty minutes later they were heading to the room, while Neo Queen Serenity and her Senshi went elsewhere.

"Okay ladies, get ready." King Endymion started. "Aldebaran, how are you feeling since your practice this morning?"

"Still a little exhausted, but I can push through."

"Sit this out for a little bit." He ordered. "You can push yourself when you're actually battling the enemy. Training isn't meant to push you to your limit before you actually battle."

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