in my mind i have a world
so vibrant and engaging
i never have trouble navigating life in there
i never even have to be me.
i spend my days indulging in my characters, my creation
maybe even my best friends.
who needs a reality to let me down
who needs a reality to constantly screw me over
who needs a 'restart'
when i have all i could ever dream of
right here in my head?
maybe sometimes it's scary
as i can never get out of my world
but when did a little imagination ever hurt?
i can control and pick at anything i don't like
i can even pretend i'm someone else
i can finally live as someone who's better
who didn't make all the same mistakes as me
who's not a cold and bitter person living off jealousy.
pacing in circles brings me above life
casts down reality and gives me something bright
something i can actually look up to in the night.
from time to time
i choose to switch from living life for me
to living my life for 'them'
i find myself becoming 'them'.
almost as if they've begun to control me
picking at the things they don't like
but it's not like i'm going to put up a fight.
except in the past, i did
i tried to brush them off like they shouldn't exist
i don't think i can carry on without their presence
i don't think i can face reality and all its cruelty
without their weight pushing me ahead
without their weight keeping me in my head.
my ideas slowly become abnormal
something straying too far from me
but straying far too close to reality.
i've recently adopted the fact that
dreaming all the time isn't normal
it isn't really sane
it's honestly quite horrible.
no one else i've met
has owned up to having similar worlds as me
they don't have a place filled with imaginary
characters and moments
to escape the times when they didn't really want to exist.
they don't live in another reality from this.
'identity'- poetry
Поэзия"perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be" a poem book exploring struggles with identity, emotions, and finding a place where you belong (a few of these poems are from my other poem book "inside me".)