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i have so many feelings

stuck at the back of my head

i have so many thoughts

stuck where i can't reach them

i can never resolve them

hell, half the time

i don't even know they're there

i want to see them

i want to hear them in my head

i want to listen to them

but they're buried deep somewhere 

my thoughts can't see

buried so deep

that for the longest time

i didn't even know they ever existed

i guess i've just been pushing things 

far too deep into me

things that i probably need to see

for a while 

i thought i felt these things for no reason

like maybe i just had a long day

or i wasn't used to some change in the season

it turns out

those emotions most likely did have a purpose

but i suppressed them for to long

that i didn't even notice

all the things those emotions were affecting in me

or just how deep they were controlling me

oh, how much i always underestimated

the suppressed emotions brewing inside me


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