something to say

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i'm trying to wear something i cannot be

something everyone cannot see

i see them changing in front of my eyes

changes i can't have unless i die

got loose grips on this part of my identity

and it's been fucking with me mentally

i'm imprisoned in this sore body

trying to find a place i can be more than just somebody

they all think i'm in the 'in-between' or 'neither'

"they" is what they apply to me

and i can't tell them i disagree

i can't open up enough to say

that identifying as 'non-binary' was just a label i used to get through my days

only enough to get me by

but not ever enough to settle the nausea used to cry

every reminder sends bullets through my head

those same bullets i daydream killing me in my bed

i can't keep this in anymore

but i can't even approach the door

without getting caught and sent back away

before i even got anything to say

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