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0.2 We're celebrating me.

KAMERON TRIED TO invite Jackson to come with her and Aubrey for the night out but after realizing that he would be the only boy there, he politely declined and said he would just have a date with his bed and pajamas

a trait him and Kameron obviously shared.

"Ugh you're so lucky, I wish I could join you instead" Kameron said as she was finishing her make up while on FaceTime with the boy

Jackson rolled his eyes "Yeah ugh poor you, you get to hang out with hot 6 ft tall basketball players— oh how would you ever survive"

"Sarcasm is not appreciated right now, mother fucker"

Jackson laughed "What's the point of you swinging both ways when you don't even try to hook up with some of these girls"

"Because it's weird— they're Aubrey's friends and just because they're girls who play basketball doesn't mean they're gay, Jack" she chuckled

"Or you know you're just afraid of commitment that's why you avoid hooking up with anyone" the boy states matter of factly

Kameron stared at him through her phone before grabbing it "Boy bye I gotta go"

Jackson's loud laughter echoed as she hung up the call not wanting to admit that he was right.

After finishing getting ready and receiving a text from Aubrey asking where she was at— she quickly hopped into her car and drove to the address that her best friend sent her which turns out to be Paige, Azzi, and Nika's place

Kameron debated whether to just uber there or bing her car because she knew that she would be drinking tonight but when Aubrey asked her to just bring it so they have an extra ride she had no choice— besides, despite not going out to drink often she still has a higher alcohol tolerance than Aubrey herself.

The cheerleader pulled up to the address and went up to the room number she was told and took a quick breath before knocking

"It's fine, Kam— no one you haven't met before, you'll be fine" She muttered to herself before the door swung open revealing a dressed up Paige Bueckers with small braids in her hair.

Kameron looked up at the girl a confident smile on her lips "Hey Paige, good to see you again" she greeted the girl with a hug, her arms going around the taller girls neck

Paige won't admit but she definitely felt flustered right then and there— she has met and hung out with the cheerleader a couple of times already but even now she still wasn't used to her confident and charming personality

probably because usually it was her who was confident around someone

She hated how shy Kameron always made her feel— it was such an odd feeling for her.

"Hey, Kam glad you could make it" Paige cleared her throat hugging the girl back before welcoming her in

"Yeah well it's either I went with you guys or Aubrey would start protesting outside the university" She shrugged as Paige laughed shaking her head at the thought

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