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KAMERON STEVENS WAS trying to enjoy the remaining days she had before she had to go back to training for the upcoming championship in march, the cheer captain felt bad for being happy over the fact that she didn't have to go to practice everyday and train rigorously along with her teammates, ever since the talk she had with her coach about her plans after she graduate Kameron felt as though any thoughts regarding cheerleading was making her depressed

Kameron hated that she was feeling a bit resentful towards the sport she has been doing and has loved for so many years and in true Kameron fashion, the girl decided to deal with her problem the same way she always does

by ignoring it until it eventually goes away on it own

That is also why she has been throwing herself in her academics ever since school resumed, her face was currently stuck in a book she was reading as she occupied one of the cubicles in the library with her airpods lodged in her ears to block out the noise from her surroundings

however the sudden feeling of someone snatching one of the airpods in her ear caused her head to jerk up and look at the perpetrator with a glare on her face

"seriously, one direction?"

"they help me focus, shut up" she huffs snatching the airpod back putting it on her table "what do you want?"

Jackson laughed at his teammate before pulling the chair beside her to sit down "jeez what's gotten you so irritated this early in the morning? haven't gotten laid in a long time?" he teased

Kameron rolled her eyes at him turning back to her book ignoring his comment as she tried to return to studying "go away I'm studying" she quips to him without looking at the boy

"coach is looking for you"

this then made the Stevens girl groan and shut her book quite loudly causing some head to turn their way but Kameron couldn't care less about them as she gave Jackson a stressed out expression "ugh please not today, tell her i'm sick or something"

"oh.." Jackson winced "I sort of already told her I saw you come in here and that I would come get you.." he said sheepishly making Kameron to go back to glaring at him in annoyance "you are useless" she responds

"what is this about? are you beefing with Jan or something? because that's kinda funny" Jackson asks with a little chuckle

Kameron sighed removing her other airpod and putting them back in their case, she runs her fingers through her hair "nothing- It's nothing she's just been on my ass about my plans after graduation and shit, told me I received some offers but I haven't really checked them yet and if she finds that out I know she'll just get mad at me for not caring about my future which is untrue, of course I care about my future! I just don't wanna think about that right now I already have a lot on my mind and beside I still have like 3 months to think about all of these-"

"Okay cap okay calm down- jesus I was just asking" Jackson says rubbing her shoulder "what do you mean when you said you had a lot on your mind?" he asked

"nothing" Kameron answered a little too quickly

"does it have anything to do with your telenovela-like situation with Paige?" he said with a smirk

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