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0.7 Friends cuddle all the time, right?

KAMERON WHINED as she layed in Aubrey's bed in her dorm that she shared with Ice "Ugghhhh please my entire body fucking hurts" she complained "Save me, Aubrey, save me"

the basketball player merely shrugged as she sat on her desk finishing some homework on her laptop "You'll survive, Kam"

Kameron sat up looking at her best friend "You are the worst best friend ever"

"The fuck you want me to do? when i tried giving you a massage earlier you kept kicking me because you said it tickled you" Aubrey laughed

"Because you don't do it right!" Kameron exclaims flopping back down on the bed

Aubrey nodded "Yes that's because i'm a basketball player not a physical therapist" she stopped working on her laptop when a pillow suddenly collided against her head making her turn to the whining girl on her bed who was flipping her off "I told you not to go to the gym anymore after your training last night— but did you listen? no you didn't because you never listen— so now suffer the consequences of your actions, Stevens"

Kameron scoffed fixing her position on the bed to be more comfortable "I hope you never have kids because you'd be a horrible parent"

"I already feel like a mother whenever i'm with you" Aubrey shrugged

Another pillow flung against her head landing on the ground "I'm getting a new best friend" Kameron muttered

"As if you can survive without me, baby"

Kameron sighed knowing she was right "ugh"

A knock on the bedroom door pulled the two away from their argument, Ice's head popped in "P's here, Aub. Hey Kam how you feeling?"

Kameron craned her neck to look up at Ice "Like I got railed for five hours last night" Ice laughed at the girl, you never really know what's gonna come out of the girl's mouth that's why they always say that she's the most likely to get canceled on social media but then again Kameron wouldn't really be Kameron without her out of pocket comments

"Why don't you go to your PT, maybe you broke something" Ice suggested sitting on the bed by the girl's foot patting her leg gently

Aubrey stood up to go to Paige outside "She's just being dramatic, come on Paige's here" Kameron groaned "You try doing splits and back handsprings and toe touches for three hours then let's see who's being dramatic then"

Aubrey offered a hand to the girl who just ignored her still sulking "Kameron, stand up" she rolls her eyes but the girl refused "Why do we have to go out just tell Paige to come in here— ya'll can hang out here. PAIGE!" she called


a couple seconds later the blonde emerged through the door with a confused look on her face as she did so "Uh, hey?"

"Hi, get in here because Aubrey's being a bitch ass who's forcing me to get up when clearly I am incapacitated" Kameron tells the blonde girl who just nodded dapping up the Griffin girl quietly asking her what's wrong with Kameron

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