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0.13 Sleep well, Captain.

IT HAS BEEN A WEEK since Kameron's sister and Lacy left after their visit and Kameron was actually glad with everything that happened, when she was saying goodbye to her sister she told her to visit her again soon and when she went over to Lacy she actually gave the girl a long hug and whispered goodbye

Lacy knew that wasn't just a normal goodbye and she actually appreciated it, Kameron would always mean something to her but Kameron was letting go of her and she was fine with it

she deserved to be free of Lacy after holding in what she was feeling for so long.

Lacy kissed the girl's forehead and gave her a smile "Goodbye, Kameron— take care of yourself"

"I will" Kameron nods as she watched her sister and whatever Lacy was walk away from her and disappear into the crowd of people at the airport.

Kameron panted as she put her hands on her knees catching her breath after their coach made them run so many laps around the gymnasium— she hated warm ups sometimes

she would rather have someone stretch her legs to the ends of the earth but that was cheer for you, sometimes it was fun sometimes it makes you question as to why you joined the team in the first place

They have officially started training for the upcoming national cheer competition meaning practices from now on were serious— so serious that Coach Jan had even limited the visit of the basketball girls to once a week because they kept distracting her cheerleaders much to both team's dismay but they understood that it wasn't anything personal

Kameron cursed as she was now doing suicides with her teammates who were all also as depressed as her "I swear if she makes us keep going this will be the first suicide exercise in history that ends in an actual suicide" Jackson ranted breathlessly making Kameron laugh beside him

"Shut up before she hears you, I really don't wanna do this any longer" she said

The entire team cheered as they heard their coach blow the whistle signaling the end of their torture "Alright everyone! two minute water break then let's rehearse your first routine, go!"

"Kill me, Kameron, if you love me break my neck right now" Jackson groaned as the girl laughed patting his back "Come on drama queen, we can fucking do this"

Practice eventually ended at 4:00pm which was both early and late for the team, early because they usually end at 8:00 in the evening but late because they started at 9am that day because it was a saturday and for some reason their coach decided to hold training earlier that day

"That last stunt was intense, you alright Kam?" Jackson asked walking out of the stadium with the girl

she looked at the boy "Oh you mean after getting spun in the air like the blades of a hellicopter ten times? I'm better than alright, totally don't have vertigo right now"

"Okay I suffered just as much as you did back there, no need for the sarcasm, Stevens" Jackson rolled his eyes as the girl laughed holding onto his arm "You have plans for the rest of the day?"

Kameron shook her head "Other than dying in my bed? nope"

"So weird we have the exact same plans on our calendar! so you need a ride or did you bring your car?" the boy asked ready to head home and pass out

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