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0.37 I would've never fumbled you like that.

KAMERON SQUEALED AS she sat on the driver's seat of her car watching as Jada walked out of their hotel and towards the Stevens girl vehicle

accompanying Jada was Kate and surprisingly Caitlin who both jumped in the back, wincing and covering their ears as Jada and Kameron yelled loudly whilst pulling one another to a tight hug "oh my god girl I missed you so freaking much! what the fuck!" Jada gushed pulling on her seatbelt

"I missed you so much too, it has been way too long" Kameron grinned jumping in her seat

"we should've stayed at the hotel" Kate whispers to Caitlin who snorted at her with a teasing smirk

"aye, you're the one who wanted to get to know little ms. cheer captain" Caitlin responds in a low tone holding her hand up making Kate pinch her waist hard causing Caitlin to yelp out

Kameron and Jada glanced at the two girls in the backseat "you ladies okay?" Kameron laughs

"peachy" Caitlin winced glaring at Kate who flashed Kameron a shy smile "we're good, Caitlin's just excited for tonight"

the cheer captain nods "oh okay wow" she smirks turning forward, a teasing look in her eyes which Kate and Caitlin both caught


Kameron shrugs pursing her lips "nothing"

"what is it?" Kate pushes curiously

the Stevens girl glances at the two hawkeyes through her rearview mirror still sporting the smirk on her lips "nothing it's just- If I had known you hawkeyes take a loss this well I would've befriended you all sooner"

"Jada! you promised me she wouldn't bring the game up" Caitlin complains from the back making the others laugh

the Clark girl spares Kameron a look "for your information you guys won by like 2 points and that last call was totally bull-"

"Caitlin play nice" Kate scolds, raising her brows at her teammate who huffed and crossed her arms over her chest "she started it" the iowa hooper pouted like a child

Kameron kept her eyes on the road driving to the restaurant she promised Jada she'd take her to next time they were in Storrs together

"you know Caitlin if you're gonna blame someone you should blame Kate for missing that one free throw" Kameron added enjoying teasing Caitlin so much

"wow! you really gonna do me like that?" Kate exclaims as Jada laughed at her friend while Caitlin slapped her teammates' arms "good going Kate!"

"sorry money but it's true"

Kate made eye contact with the snickering cheerleader through the rearview seeing the girl wink at her— Kate shook her head biting her lip "the rumors are true, you cheerleaders are evil" she says as Kameron snorted

"that is a complete lie, I'm an absolute angel right Jada?" Kameron hums looking over to her side

"girl do not drag me into this" the Gyamfi girl responded before grabbing Kameron's phone from its holder on the dashboard "can I que some songs" Jada asks before holding up the phone near Kameron's face using face ID to unlock it

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