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0.15 Told you I'd catch you.

THE CHEER SQUAD were a bit confused when their coach asked them to head to the other gymnasium where the basketball team usually trained at and played games instead of their own for today's practice

As Kameron pushed the double doors open walking inside the court with her teammates in tow they spotted the women's basketball team there as well as both coaches of the two teams

"Finally, come here ladies and gentlemen" Coach Jan called them over

"What's going on coach?" Kameron asked as they reached the middle of the court, she felt a slap on her ass and spotted her best friend standing there with the other girls, she smiled waving at them

Coach Jan conversed quietly with Geno before blowing her whistle gathering everybody's attention "Alright listen up!"

"As you're all aware every now and then the different sports teams in UCONN collaborates for different activities— the volleyball and softball team did this last week and now it's your turn. Today you athletes will be participating in a collaborative drill and exercises which will also be filmed by your media teams— we figured it'd be best to partner you up considering you guys are always with each other during games and Geno said ya'll are already close with each other so it'd be easier for you to collaborate" Jan spoke, her eyes going over to her very own cheer captain as she said the last part

Jackson raised his hands wanting to ask a question "Uhm what drills are we talking about because the cheer team and basketball team do two entirely different drills..."

"That's the fun part— You're going to learn and teach each other's drill exercises" Coach Geno said with what looked like an evil grin

Various groans and sounds of protest echoed all over the student athletes but as whistle of both their coaches sounded they knew they didn't really have any choice but to just oblige

"My face is not going near a basketball" Kameron stated standing her ground as they put down their bags and took off their warmer leaving her in her spandex and sports bra

the girl put on her knee pads sitting next to Torrence who was also getting ready

"Cant believe Jan is torturing us again" Torrence groans as she rested her head on Kameron who was lacing up her white shoes

She chuckles patting the girl's knee "Ugh don't get me started— I'm fine with suffering through 20 cheer stunts but shooting a basketball??! please I don't wanna embarrass myself like that"

"plus Aubrey will not stop roasting my ass if that ever happens"

Torrence giggled at the thought of her cheer captain doing a lay up "I'm sure you'd do just as amazing in basketball as you do in cheer"

Kameron just shuddered.

From the other side of the court, the basketball girls were also preparing and getting ready "This is so fucking dumb— does Geno expect us to do a freaking what do you even call it??" Aubrey complained

"A flip? split? toe touch?" Kk answers remembering the terms she learned from both the bring it on movies and Kameron

"Either way I ain't doing none of that" Aubrey protested

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