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0.35 I wish I never trusted you.

(woke up feeling messy so sorry in advance)

KAMERON DOESNT REMEMBER how she ended up hanging out at a mall with Ice and Kk but here she was now, currently at a sephora buying some christmas gifts for herself and some of the girls

"do you think Aaliyah would like this?" Kameron asks holding up a Kiko Milano lipgloss showing it to the two girls with her, Ice nods "yeah she's been wanting to buy that for herself actually— I think that's what Nika and Care have been wanting as well"

"cool" Kameron smiles buying enough lipgloss for her friends

"Kameron are you done yet? mama's hungry" Kk whines rubbing her stomach as she followed behind the cheerleader

"you and your big back ass Kamorrea I swear" Ice comments from beside Kameron

"I'm just gonna check out" the cheerleader tells the two girls who nods at her, she felt her phone buzz from her pocket fishing it out seeing a text message from Paige asking where she was

she shoots a quick reply before shoving the device back to her pocket "is that Ms. Bueckers" Ice asks, Kameron nods with a sigh "she's asking where we are"

"damn, she can't survive an hour or two without you or what" Kk comments with an eye roll making the cheer captain laugh shaking her head

"she has to film some content for overtime and she's asking me to come with her" Kameron tells them, thanking the girl at the cashier as she accepted the paper bag

The trio walked out of the store and Kk started asking again if it was time to eat while Kameron and Ice rolls their eyes in response "come here child i'll feed you" the cheerleader says putting an arm around Kk's shoulder

"this is why I like you more than Paige" Kk says making Kameron chuckle

"how are things between you and P— you guys official yet?"

Kameron was caught off guard by the question as she opens her mouth to answer only to close it back again, it has been more than a month since the two confessed to one another and yet neither of them have made any moves to ask the other out or put a label to whatever was going on between them

in Kameron's defense, she doesn't know how to go about asking someone to be her girlfriend simply because she's never done it before and though she's aware that that was a lame ass excuse

it makes her wonder why Paige hasn't asked her as well?

"no not really but we've also both been busy as well with tournament and everything" Kameron says "it's fine, there's no rush" she shrugs

"I'm good with what we have right now, it's fine— I'm totally fine" the small senior speaks out waving her hand

"are you trying to convince us or are you tryna convince yourself?" Ice chuckles making Kameron pause and look at her "It's fine" she repeats

"If it's bothering you so much why don't you just ask her? you know that's an option too right?" Kk tells her as Kameron sighs

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