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0.28 I'm really happy i get to celebrate this night with you.

GAMPEL WAS PACKED with students and outsiders as they waited to watch the husky's play against depaul— this would be the womens basketball team's last game for the season before they take a little break before playing again in november

everyone was hyped and excited especially the girls who were currently in their locker room getting ready

Aubrey and Kk were currently blasting songs through Kks giant ass speaker, dancing and goofing around with the other girls— the team really wanted to make sure that they ended this night with a win because tomorrow would be Paige's birthday so it would be considered as a great gift for the senior hooper

"we got this twin, don't stress too much" Nika speaks nudging Paige's shoulder as she sat down beside her on the chairs near her locker

Paige looked up sending a thankful smile towards her best friend "yeah yeah of course"

Nika chews on the inside of her cheeks as she observed the blonde who was obviously trying to lock in for the game but was distracted by something "are you still thinking about the Emily thing?"

the blonde knew that it was useless trying to lie to Nika because that girl could read her like an open book, they don't call each other 'twin' for nothing after all "yeah I just can't shake it from head I guess"

"P, we told you there's nothing going on between them— have you talked to Kam? she said she's been messaging you"

Paige sighs stretching out her legs in front of her "Nah I uhm, I haven't really been talking to her.."

Nika frowns "so you're avoiding her? what good is that going to do? come on Paige" the Croatian girl scolded her friend who nodded at her knowing she was right "I just don't know what to tell her— I got jealous and upset for no reason, I feel embarrassed. It's not like I'm ignoring her out of spite Nika, I really just don't know what to say to her I feel stupid"

the Muhl girl sighs, smiling softly at Paige putting an arm around her "you're not stupid and you shouldn't feel embarrassed for getting upset and shit— you like Kameron and she likes you, it's only natural to react that way when you thought that there was somebody else in her life"

Paige nods not really knowing what to say

"just talk to her after the game, okay? I'm sure you two will resolve this in no time" Nika advises patting her back quite hardly before standing

"Now let's go win this bitches!" she exclaims to her teammates who hollers back at her as they started piling out of the locker room one by one with Paige getting pulled by Kk enthusiastically

The girl quickly began with their warm up and drills on the court as the players from depaul did theirs as well— Paige's eyes kept glancing over the side of the court where the cheerleaders stood searching for their captain

when she couldn't find Kameron her brows furrowed a bit because the cheer captain usually wasn't that hard to spot within the cheerleaders because she was usually in front with the brightest smile and loudest cheers

she jogged over to Aubrey who was doing some passing drills with Aaliyah "hey, is Kameron not here?"

Aubrey gave her a confused look as she too glanced over at the UCONN cheer team trying to locate her best friend "huh that's weird, I thought she'd be here already, she's never late for games" Aubrey says still trying to find Kameron around the gym "I'm sure she'll be here in a bit, come on" she added nodding at Paige who nodded back as they went back to their warm up.

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