A Gift Of Entrapment And Strings

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Port Royal, 1728

The beams of the early morning sun rises above Port Royal, brightening up the clear blue sky and peering in through the windows, landing on the soft, pale, peaceful face that belongs to a slumbering Bonnie Swann.

As the warm sun caressed her porcelain skin, she stirred lightly in her sleep, her long, thick, waist-length, curly, light chestnut brown hair cascading down her curvy body, over her shoulders and little pieces of hair falling over her face.

Her eyes softly flutter open after drawing in a small breath through her nose. It takes a moment for her big green doe eyes to adjust to the blinding light, reflecting from the sun, before she groans at the dread of being awake and not in a blissful state of oblivion as she was just a moment ago.

The young Swann girl, snuggled into her bed and covers, silently praying to God that the maids wouldn't come in so soon and she wouldn't be disrupted from her comfy bed.

However her hopes were shortly shattered, as she heard the door of her bedroom open, and in walked a bunch of chatty maids, along with the voice of her father, making Bonnie sink further into her bed, with a whine of protest and annoyance, causing Governor Swann to chuckle at the sight of his youngest daughter.

"Still in bed at this hour? Why, you're just as bad as your sister." The governor jested, while the young brunette pushed herself up in a seating position, her hands clasped together, resting on her lap.

"I didn't get much sleep last night.." Bonnie shrugged her shoulders, as she looked down at her twiddling thumbs. She had had a dream the night before. Back when she was a little girl with her big sister and they had discovered a pirate ship and a young boy washed up, who now happened to be Bonnie's best friend.

She didn't have a lot of friends, but Will was her closest, always looking out for her and trying to keep her out of mischief. Even though Bonnie is rather a quiet person that doesn't stop her from wanting to have a bit of fun now and then, which sometimes led her into trouble.

She knew that Will was in love with her sister and she knew that the feelings were returned, however neither of them plucked up the courage to do something about it. Anytime Bonnie would encourage her friend to confess, he'd always have the same excuse. "She's the governors daughter. A proper lady. I'm only a blacksmith."

It saddened Bonnie to know their circumstances were in the way of their feelings they felt for each other. But what could she do? She tried to convince her sister and her best friend that the feelings were mutual but they never listened to her.

"I have a gift for you." Governor Swann informed his daughter, as one maid held a box, whilst the other removed the bow tied cover, revealing a beautiful white and pale yellow dress, with a structured corset and pearls on the bodice.

"Father, it's beautiful!" Bonnie exclaimed, kissing her father on the cheek, while he agreed, before she pulled back and narrowing her eyes into suspicious slits. "May I ask what the occasion is for this lovely gift?" The young girl raised a brow, as her father let out a chuckle-resembled scoff.

"Your sister asked the same thing. Can't a father dote upon his daughter without the need of an occasion?" Governor Swann shook his head, with a smile, with a chuckle, while Bonnie quirked up a brow, unconvinced, causing her father to sigh in defeat.

"Promise you won't indulge Elizabeth just yet?" Bonnie's father raised his brows, while Bonnie grinned. "Cross my heart." She drew an invisible X across where her heart is, while the maids escorted Bonnie behind the dressing screen, while her father continued speaking.

"Well, for starters, the dress I bought for you is for the ceremony.." The governor began, as the maids removed the current nightgown that Bonnie was wearing. "Ceremony?" Bonnie questioned, furrowing her brows.

"Yes! Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony. Don't tell me you forgot!" Her father lightly scolded, while Bonnie widened her eyes. "Of course I didn't!" She chuckled nervously, while the maids continued to dress her, pulling the corset around her body, pressing her already full breasts together.

"Commodore Norrington, as he's about to become." Bonnie could hear the grin in his tone as he spoke. "A fine gentleman, don't you think?" He asked, but all Bonnie could focus on was how tightly the corset was. More than usual. It was hard to breathe, but she didn't want to complain. A Gift? More like a gift of entrapment and strings.

"He fancies your sister, you know. I believe he plans to propose to her after the ceremony!" Bonnie gasped, not at the information, it was so obvious Norrington had taken a liking to Elizabeth, instead Bonnie was gasping at the tight stitches the maids were pulling on, pulling her waist in, and practically crushing her ribs.

"Bonnie? Is it going well?" Her father questioned when he didn't hear a response. "F-fine, father." She gasped out, wincing in pain. "I was told it's the latest fashion in London." Governor Swann notified. "Well, I pray for the women in London... and their rib cages!" Bonnie muttered, gasping once more, as another man walked in the room.

"My Lord, you have a visitor." He informed the governor, bowing slightly. "And who might that be?" He inquired, with a slight raise of his brow.
"Mr Turner." Bonnie's eyes widened at the name and she immediately smiled at the mention of her friend.

A few moments of torture later, and Bonnie had emerged from behind the dressing screen, wearing the beautiful gift from her father. "Bonnie, sweetheart, don't you just look lovely! I don't doubt you too, will find a suitor at the ceremony today!" Her father beamed, his words causing Bonnie's fake, painful smile to falter and her mood to dampen and drain.

Although Bonnie has always dreamed of being a wife and having children, she wanted to experience it with someone she loved. Someone who could open her eyes and show her the world. Show her the taste of life and freedom. Not some man of a high status that did not care for her mind, dreams or opinions. Although she didn't have much chance of finding a whirlwind romance in Port Royal. Sometimes she felt just as trapped in her mind as she did in her corset..

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