Bargain And Arranging A Marriage

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The black crow pecked on the wooden coffin floating on the sea, knocking its beak against the wood

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The black crow pecked on the wooden coffin floating on the sea, knocking its beak against the wood. A few more knocks and feathers of the poor bird erupted and flew everywhere into the water, as a gunshot went off from inside the coffin, right where the bird pecked.

A hand holding the same gun that shot the bird, peered out of the box, still smoking, as it rotated, before disappearing back into the box, as Jack Sparrow punched through the wood of the box and emerged from his floating coffin, only half sober.

He furrowed his brows and searched down the coffin as he retrieved his hat and dusted it off, before setting it rightfully back onto his head. "Sorry, mate." He apologised to the owner of the bone-y leg he yanked from.

"Mind if we make a little side trip?" He rhetorically asked, as he used the skeleton leg as an oar. "I didn't think so." He responded to himself, as he rowed himself back to his beloved Pearl.

When Mr Gibbs offered his hand out to assist Jack back on the Pearl, Jack placed the skeleton leg into Gibbs' hand, and pushed himself up to stand on the Black Pearl.

Gibbs examined the bone-y limb with a furrowed brow. "Not quite according to plan." He remarked, as Cotton wrapped Jack's coat around the Captain.
"Complications arose, ensued, were overcome." Jack responded, walking away from his two crewmen.
Cotton and Gibbs just exchanged an odd look at the behaviour of their captain, before Gibbs handed the leg over to Cotton and chased after Jack.

"You got what you went in for, then?" Gibbs asked, curiously, with a gleam in his eye. "Mm-hmm." Jack just hummed in response, as he pulled out a folded piece of paper and waved it in front of Gibbs, with a smirk.

The other crewmen stepped in front of Jack, who stopped in his tracks when he saw the displeased faces they plastered on. "Captain, I think the crew, meaning me as well, were expecting something a bit more... shiny," Gibbs gestured with his hands, "what with the Isla de Muerta going pear-shaped reclaimed by the sea with the treasure."

"And the Royal Navy chasing us around the Atlantic." A crew member, Leech, piped in, bemused.

"And the hurricane." Marty added, as a chant of 'ayes' erupted from the crew in agreement, causing Jack's lip to twitch. "All in all, it seems some time since we did a speck of honest pirating." Gibbs suggested, as Jack just stood there, glaring at his crew.

"Shiny." Jack repeated.
"Aye, shiny." Gibbs nodded.

Jack looked around the crewmen stood before him. "Is that how you're all feeling? That perhaps dear old Jack is not serving your best interest as captain?" He sarcastically asked them, lips twitching up.

"Walk the plank." Cotton's parrot squawked, before Cotton quickly covered his beak, and Jack immediately pulled out and cocked his pistol, directing to the parrot. "What did the bird say?!" Jack yelled.

All yours, Captain || Jack SparrowWhere stories live. Discover now