I'd Listen To You For Hours

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bonnie stood at the side of the ship on deck, looking down at the clear, sparkling turquoise sea below her and picking the petals off of a purple flower she had found

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bonnie stood at the side of the ship on deck, looking down at the clear, sparkling turquoise sea below her and picking the petals off of a purple flower she had found. She done her best to avoid Jack after escaping the cannibal island. She hoped to at least try not get herself reattached to him again. One, because she was still upset he hadn't kept his promises. And two, she wasn't sure if she would be able to face returning to Port Royal or leaving him once again to marry Beckett.

Her prayers on avoiding him quickly slipped away, unanswered when Jack staggered over to where she stood, with a bottle of rum clutched into his hand, and his other arm snaking around her waist from behind, causing her to jump before relaxing into his familiar arms, when he pulled her back into his chest, his chin resting on her shoulder.

"Ye haven't said much to me, princess. If I'm being honest, I expected you to be all over me the next time we were to meet again." Jack grinned, leaning his face in to press a kiss against her cheek, but she turned her head away from him, hoping he missed the shaky breath that escaped her lips.

Jack furrowed his brows at this, and took a step back, slowly spinning her around to face him. "What the matter, darling? You not happy to see ol' Jack?" Jack joked, a crooked grin covering his nervous tone, as Bonnie held her glare on his face.

"Not particularly. What happened to all those letters you promised me? Did your carrier pigeon get lost?" Bonnie sarcastically bit back, causing Jack to look around, scrambling for an answer. Bonnie scoffed after a moment of silent contemplating of excuses, and stepped to walk away, before Jack grabbed her wrist, preventing her from doing so and spinning her back around to him.

"Wait! Bonnie, can we talk in the cabin?" Jack pleaded, quietly. Bonnie wanted to refuse him and go back to keeping her distance, but a bigger part of her wanted answers to the questions she had thought over and over months upon months.

Hesitantly, she gave a small nod, yanking her wrist from his grip and marching towards the entrance of the Captains quarters, along with Jack following behind.

"Well?" Bonnie harshly spat, as Jack closed the door behind them, and turned around to face her, sighing through his nose. "Why didn't you come back for me?" She asked quietly, the sadness evident in her tone, as her brows knitted upwards.

Jack's face softened at the sight of her, but when he took one step forward, she took one step back. Jack sighed again, and cleared his throat. "I wanted to come back for you, darling. But I couldn't. The Royal Navy was on my tracks and I was... preoccupied with other matters..." Jack scrambled around for the right words, as Bonnie widened her eyes at his choice of words, causing him to mentally facepalm himself, quickly correcting his words.

"No, no! Not like that! I just-... a lot has happened that has put me at risk... and that's another reason why I didn't come back. I didn't want you to get caught up in it." Jack admitted, as Bonnie frowned.

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