Meeting Under the Stars

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I take a deep breath and look at the distance between the balcony and the ground. My shimmering pink dress glows in the moonlight as I hoist myself onto the railing, my heart racing. As I cross the balcony's edge, I glance back, praying not to be spotted and, above all, not to fall. I then grab onto the ivy creeping along the castle walls, using each foothold to descend silently. Thanks to the adrenaline, I manage to reach the ground safely. When I realize what I've just done, I remember not to linger too long, or else I risk being discovered.

The question now is: where to go. I know going into town would be pointless and dangerous. If I'm recognized, they might send me back to the castle and inform my father. So, I need to go where no one is likely to find me. As I ponder where to go, the sound of waves crashing on the rocks gives me an idea. I won't risk anything by going to the beach, right? The decision is made; no one will come looking for me on the beach. It's the best option. So, I set off for the beach. From the castle, there's a private access point. I remember going to with my mother when I was younger. I take great care not to encounter anyone and to remain discreet, and soon I reach the beach. But I still need to move a bit farther from the castle to avoid any unwanted encounters.

I walk with my feet in the sand, the waves wetting my feet it has a calming effect on me. I smile, forgetting and leaving behind that dreadful evening. After walking for about ten minutes, I turn around and see the castle lights in the distance amidst the darkness. I've never been this far from the castle. Contrary to what I might have imagined, I'm not afraid; on the contrary, I feel at peace. It's as if I'm far from all my problems and responsibilities.

I think I've gone far enough. Besides, I'll have to go back before tomorrow morning. I don't want to get caught. I sit on the sand and grimace slightly at the thought of ruining my dress. But after all, after climbing a railing, it's already too late to worry about its condition.

As I'm lost in my thoughts, I don't hear the approaching footsteps. I startle furiously when someone speaks to me.

"Excuse me? Are you okay?" I quickly turn to the voice, and my frightened expression turns to relief.

"Killian? Is that you?" I ask for confirmation. It's been maybe a month since I met him, but I'm sure I'm not mistaken. He looks slightly confused, probably because I know his name. He moves closer to me to see my face more clearly, and he smiles. He seems to have recognized me too.

"Rose. I didn't recognize you. What are you doing here? And all alone?" He asks, sitting next to me. I take a few seconds to think and, above all, to invent a story about why I'm here in the middle of the night.

"Um, I went out for some fresh air and let myself be guided to the sea," I say honestly. After all, I'm telling the truth; I'm just keeping certain things confidential. "And what about you? What are you doing here?" I ask in return.

"Oh, I don't live very far. I usually come here in the evenings to stargaze," he replies, looking out at the horizon.

"Stargaze? Why is that?" I ask, confused. It's true that it's very pretty to look at, but I don't understand why he seems so interested in it.

"My father told me that if I want to become a great captain, I need to be able to navigate without a map and only with the stars. He says it's the only map I'll need," he proudly recounts.

"Oh, I see, so you're practicing," I observe. "You really dream of becoming a captain."

"Of course! And if it's not me, then it'll be my brother or my father. I want to become like him later; he's my role model."

It's at that moment that I realize I don't know his age. I assume we're not much different in age, but I prefer to ask. "By the way, how old are you?"

"Oh, I'm 13, and how old are you?" He asks in return.

"I turned 11 today. It's my birthday," I say with a hint of sadness in my voice.

"Really! You should have told me earlier." I see him suddenly stand up, which makes me jump slightly. I'm confused by his action and watch him run towards the sea.

"What are you doing?" I ask, confused.

"Just wait, don't move, I'll be back in a minute," he hurriedly tells me.

I can't help but laugh at his sudden change in mood. I see him bend down and come back to me trotting. He kneels down to my level and hands me something. I take it in my hand and notice that it's a seashell with shades of pink and cream. Its shape resembles a spiral, and its edges are smooth and shiny.

"Happy birthday, Rose," he says. I smile and realize that the seashell is actually a gift. It's not much, but at that moment, it's the most beautiful gift he could have given me.

I'm overcome with emotions, being a bit sensitive after what happened with my father, and tears quickly start to escape from my eyes. I see him looking at me, confused.

"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if..." Before he can finish his sentence, I throw myself into his arms and say, "Thank you, Killian, it's a very lovely gift."

When he realizes that these aren't tears of disappointment but of gratitude, he hugs me back.

"It's normal to help each other, especially since I don't want my first passenger when I become a captain to be sad," he adds, making me laugh lightly. I dry my tears and pull away from his embrace.

"Thank you, you can also count on me if you need anything," I say honestly.

"Okay, then let's make a new promise. The promise to take care of each other! Okay ?" he says, sitting next to me, facing the sea.

"Okay, it's a promise," I reply, holding out my little finger. He understands my gesture and does the same. We intertwine our little fingers, making a pinky promise.

And that's how we spend a good hour or two talking about everything and nothing, telling stories, imagining the future, or even riddles. That's when I realize that I've made a friend, the first one I've ever had. And I'm glad it's Killian. I'm grateful to have met him again. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and if I want to avoid getting caught outside the castle, I need to return quickly.

"Killian, I have to go back; I don't want my parents to find out I went out," I tell him sadly. He looks slightly disappointed too.

"Oh, that's too bad," he pauses before his smile returns, "We can meet here another day, though!"

"Yes! Good idea! How about next Wednesday? Around the same time?" I suggest. He quickly nods, indicating his approval. At his signal, I begin to get up and dust off my dress from any sand. He stands up too.

"See you next Wednesday, Rose!" he says with a smile.

"See you next Wednesday, Captain," I tease him, he laughs and waves me goodbye before heading in the opposite direction of where I'm going.

That's when I start walking towards the castle. I retrace my steps, and soon I arrive back at the castle. I have some difficulty climbing up thanks to the ivy, but I eventually make it back to my room without too much trouble. I change into my pajamas and waste no time in going to sleep. And despite being punished, I fall asleep peacefully, with a smile on my face, eagerly awaiting one thing: Wednesday to come and meet my new friend again.

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