Chapter 1

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The snow fell gracefully upon the ground, giving a white glow to the streets. Frost covered the corners of windows, ice glazing the sidewalks. People walked through the town, bidding each other a merry Christmas and good wishes.

From the parlor of a fine house in the main square, a lovely girl sat on the windowsill, drawing pictures on the cold glass and watching happy souls walk by.

Amai, that was the girl's name. She sighed dreamily as the snow danced outside, wanting to go out and make snow angles and snowmen. It might sound silly for an 18-year-old to do, but for Amai, it was one of the best parts of winter. Unfortunately, she knew she couldn't because...

"Amai, I've told you a dozen times today, don't sit there daydreaming! We have guests arriving any minute!"

Because of that. The pitched, stern voice of her aunt said from the top of the staircase. Amai turned away from the window, looking up at the woman.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Kaya."

"Oh, my goodness, you're not even dressed yet! I thought you were supposed to be ready an hour ago!" The woman scolded, coming down the stairs in a hurry. "Get up and go to your room. You get yourself properly dressed for the party." Without a second glance, Aunt Kaya stepped into the living room.

Amai sighed. The party, of course. Every Christmas, her aunt threw one of the most extravagant parties of the entire season, flaunting off her decorations and obvious wealth. She always said it was to show the holiday spirit. Amai always said, to herself, that it was to brag and show off pride.

Heading to her room, the young woman thought somberly about what the evening would bring.

"Probably rich young men for Aria and Remi, gossiping women and stuck-up gentlemen, just like last year." She said to herself.

Aria and Remi, her cousins and Aunt Kaya's daughters, were non-identical twins, 20-years-old. Aria had slightly tan skin with short brown hair and brown eyes. Remi was a bit taller, fairer skinned, longer auburn hair and turquoise eyes.

Though they were different in looks, they were in every way the same personality-wise. Snobbish, spoiled, always with their noses in the air, or in expensive dresses and cosmetics. Amai tries to be kind to them, but it's a little difficult sometimes when all they do is ignore her or treat her like a "commoner" as they like to call her. It also doesn't help when her aunt compares her to that term, too.

Reaching her room, the first thing Amai did was dig into her closet to find a suitable dress, one she knew her aunt wouldn't comment about. There weren't many for fancy occasions, but unlike her cousins, Amai didn't need enough clothes to fit three closets. Every year, she'd take one of her dresses and make some adjustments, like a new sash or simple pearls on . It was a lot easier than wasting coins on a heavy gown she'd wear only a handful of times.

"Here it is." Stretching into the back of the closet, Amai carefully pulled out a dress she'd completed a few days beforehand, so it would be ready for tonight. When she originally got it a few months ago, it was a pure white dress that went to the top of her ankles. Long, fitted sleeves with a modest collar, a buttoned back and lace trim on the skirt and neckline.

Amai's changes added a beautiful, crimson trim that danced around the hem of the skirt. The buttons on the back were gone, replaced by a corset that matched the trim's color. Instead of fitting, the sleeves were loose and off the shoulders. The neckline was free of its lace, still modest and well for a young lady.

When Amai finished it, she believed it looked whimsical and fairy-like, two words that fit with the Christmas spirit in her point of view.

Slipping on the dress, Amai called for a maid to help with the ribbons of the corset back. The maid also aided her in brushing and styling her hair, picking shoes, and applying just a small amount of makeup.

About 10 minutes later, Amai thanked the maid and let her leave to finish last minute chores, which she felt would be putting up with Aria and Remi, who were no doubt drowning themselves in outfits and jewelry and countless layers of lipstick.

Staring back at her were crystal eyes, a mix of sparkling blue and violet. Long white hair that usually fell to the middle of her upper legs was draped over her left shoulder in a braid. A pink choker with a simple diamond teardrop adorned her neck, little diamond earrings on her ears. Tucked into her hair was a white rose, her favorite flower. Her face, which was naturally youthful and beautiful, bore a light sparkle on her eyelids and faint pink lipstick. Crimson shoes with small heels and a ribbon around the ankle completed the look.

Amai smiled. She looked like a Christmas fairy, or even a princess. She twirled a little, nearly giggling. But as she heard the faint sound of guests coming into the house, her smile faded.

You see, Christmas was more than just a holiday in Amai's life. It was also her birthday. Yes, she had been born on the most magical day of the year.

When she was younger, her parents always said that her birthday was extra special because of the date it was on. Her mother used to say; "Every Christmas Eve will fill your birthday with magic, my love. And one day, something extraordinary will happen to you, just wait and see!"

Unfortunately, the last few birthdays weren't filled with much magic, or anything special. Amai's parents had died three years ago, a few months before she turned 15. When she moved in with Aunt Kaya, Amai tried to have just a little recognition for her birthday, but the woman brushed her off. The poor girl never bothered trying to bring it up since then.

This year, Amai was beginning to fear growing up. If Aunt Kaya bothered, she'd try to set her up with rich, eligible suitors for marriage, just like with Aria and Remi when they were her age. Not that Amai didn't ever want to get married, but she wanted to find true love, like in her storybooks. She wanted to be swept away by a prince who would love her no matter what, comfort her on her worst days, and have fun outside with her. Of course, Aunt Kaya would never allow it.


The bedroom door banged open, the vision of Aria in the mirror's reflection. Turning around, Amai said politely; "Yes, Aria?"

"Are you still dreaming in here? You realize the party's starting, and there's a lot of fine people down there to entertain." She giggled when she said "entertain." Meaning, well-off men for flirting.

Amai sighed, for what felt like the hundredth time that day. "I'm coming, Aria."

Nodding harshly, Aria left, lifting her puffy maroon skirt and walking away. Amai waited until she was certain her cousin was gone, then headed to the living room.

As expected, the sounds of posh talk and champagne glasses clinking were what greeted Amai when she entered the room. Candles lit the space, the crystal chandelier dangling high above from the ceiling. Most of the chairs were taken up by guests as they conversed with one another. Tables in organized places were filled with drinks and the best delicacies, from roasted meat to velvet cake.

Looking over to her right, Amai narrowed her eyes at her aunt, who was flaunting her daughters to a few bachelors. Typical.

Not wanting to talk to anyone, Amai carefully made her way over to the nook of the giant window that was mostly hidden by the grand Christmas tree. She sat down and stared outside.

"I'd rather be looking for winter fairies in the forest right now. That would make this a nice Christmas." Amai spoke quietly, not wanting her aunt or anyone else to hear if they should be right behind her.

For maybe 10 or so minutes, she just sat there, distracted by the lights on the tree that reflected in the window. Thankfully, no one had tried to start a conversation with her. Of course, she didn't want to be rude, but all the people here were either high-society snobs, or anyone too focused on her aunt and cousins, so she was perfectly content with being left alone.

"Excuse me."

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