Chapter 11

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The group had all found each other in the main hall, none with any news of Amai. Thankfully, there weren't any encounters with the guards, so no one was hurt.

Ichigo panted, out of breath from running around. "Guys, I think we need to find Kisshu. He may have found Amai by now, but more than likely Deep Blue's with her, and there could be a fight."


Heading in the direction that Kisshu originally went, everyone agreed on checking the throne room first. While passing a window, Pudding glanced outside and skidded to a stop.

"Everyone, look!"

The company halted, turning back to the window. Looking where Pudding was pointing, their eyes widened in surprise at what they saw. The shadowy guards were all disappearing, one by one, fading into nothing.

How was this happening?

"Guys, do you think..." Mint trailed off, but the implied question was obvious. Sprinting down the halls, their footsteps loud together, they reached the open doors of the throne room.

What was presented to them was an extraordinary moment.

Amai on her knees, in a blood-soaked dress, some kind of object in one hand and Kisshu's sword in the other. The blade was impaled in Deep Blue's heart, red oozing from the motionless sorcerer. The girl was breathing slowly, a bead of sweat dropping down her face.

She'd killed him. Deep Blue was dead.

She let go of the sword, standing up. Stepping around the body of the former tyrant, Amai dropped back onto her knees at Kisshu's side. The company joined her once they noticed their prince wounded and on the ground.


"Oh, my goodness!"

"He's not dead, is he?!"

Amai didn't answer any of them. She didn't even hear them. All she could focus on was the weakening figure below her. His eyes were closed, but he was still alive.


Lifting her hands, the Mew Aqua dropping on her lap in the process, she cradled Kisshu's face. He was so cold.

"Oh, you poor thing. He hurt you." Her voice was so quiet, she almost couldn't hear herself speak, using the same words from when her cousins broke his arm. She caressed his closed eyes, hoping they'd flutter at her touch. They didn't. He couldn't be dead, he just couldn't.

Sniffling, she lowered her head, curtains of white strands covering her. The sobs coming from her friends made her stomach twist tighter. Gulping down a breath, she moved her hands to the prince's shoulders, bending closer to his face.

Stopping right above his lips, she said what she'd been holding in her heart.

"I love you, Kisshu."

And she pressed her lips to his. She cried through the kiss, some tears falling off her chin and onto the Mew Aqua. She didn't break apart, fearing she'd really lose him if she did.

But a glow radiating from her lap caused her to pull away. Pulling back her hair, Amai saw the Mew Aqua beaming brightly, the shine illuminating the dim room. Everyone else noticed it as well and ceased their mourning. Amai lifted the brooch delicately while it continued to glow, the palms of her hands feeling warm.

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