Chapter 6

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"Taruto, Pudding, you're both in my space!"

"There's not a lot of space out here, Mint. Just get used to it."

Night had fallen over the kingdom and the group. They were close to the mirror now, but everyone agreed to sleep so they'd have more energy in the morning. Thankfully, no shadow soldiers or anything else had crossed paths with them during their traveling.

Stopping at an open area in the forest, mats were rolled out with blankets and small pillows, enough to make everyone comfortable for the night. Mint was pushing the two youngest in the group for more personal space, Ichigo and Zakuro trying to settle her. Retasu helped Amai set up her place, luckily having an extra mat for her.

"Here you go. I hope it's alright."

"Yes, it's perfect. Thank you, Retasu."

"You're welcome, Amai." The greenette walked away over to her own mat a little ways away. Sitting down, Amai flung out her blanket to cover herself. Soon, everyone was quiet and asleep.

A short while later, though, Amai found herself waking up. Her body became unable to fall back asleep, making her sigh. All around her, everyone else was out cold.

Well, almost everyone.

She took notice that Kisshu wasn't present, and for a moment, she worried that something had happened to him. But all her fears ceased when she saw his back at the edge of the clearing.

She got up from her mat and headed over to him.


The doll turned at her voice defensively, but instantly relaxed. Amai stilled at his reaction. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, White Rose. Just thinking."

Slowly, Amai walked closer. "May I join you?" He nodded, and she sat down next to him.

"Thinking about saving your kingdom?" Kisshu nodded. "Growing up, I didn't think something this big would happen to me. Becoming future king is one thing, and I was always excited about that, but battling an evil sorcerer for my people's freedom and my crown is another. Honestly, I'm a little scared."

His eyes were cast down, hidden by his bangs. The worry that radiated from him was obvious. Amai's arms wrapped around him, bringing him to her in a comforting hug. He accepted it, leaning into her and closing his eyes.

It was peaceful and quiet. The perfect kind of comfort. It was like that for a couple of minutes.

"Hey, Kisshu."


"I was wondering, why do you call me White Rose?"

He lifted his head, pulling just enough away from her to look at her. "Because that's what you're like. A beautiful white rose, in full bloom. Your hair is as white as snow, and your heart is pure as a flower. You're the rarest kind of rose in the world."

Every word Kisshu said made Amai's cheeks turn a deeper shade of red. She'd been given compliments about her beauty before, multiple times, but none of them ever made her feel the way she was feeling right now. She swore she could hear the pounding of her heart, each beat louder than the last.

Could she... could she be in love? Is this what it felt like?



Her doll's golden gaze kept her own in a tight grip. Neither one could turn away. Unconsciously, their hands found each other.

It was a sweet moment.

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