Chapter 3

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Amai couldn't keep the dreamy smile off her face as she clutched her precious new doll to her heart. Compared to Keiichiro's past gifts, this one was by far the best. The sounds of the chattering guests faded away as she dreamed of her doll being a real prince, asking her to dance. Amai listened to the music that flooded from the living room, the subtle violins and gentle piano.

Standing up, she began to sway side to side, humming to the melody that played. Her feet stepped around the parlor, dancing like she was at a royal ball. Pictures of a bright castle painted inside her head, filled with happy faces and laughing children. Her prince, holding her in his arms, dancing with her in the middle of the grand ballroom, love evident between them. She imagined him bringing her closer, capturing her gaze with his gorgeous eyes, and leaning his head down to kiss her...

"What are you doing?"

Stopping abruptly, Amai spun on her heel, facing both her cousins in the doorway.

"I... I was just dancing."

"Yeah, with a toy. What are you, a toddler?" Remi said, putting her hands on her hips, which were hidden under the volume of her huge black skirt.

Amai frowned, shielding her prince from the two. "It's my birthday present from Keiichiro. I can dance with it if I want to."

"The toymaker? Honestly, Amai, you're still friends with that common worker? I thought living here for three years would make you better than conversing with peasants like that."

"Don't talk about him like that. Keiichiro's kind and smart, and he's worth anyone's time more than you two." That was the boldest thing she'd ever said to them. Normally, she tolerated their insults about her and her friendship with Keiichiro, but something in her tonight made her speak out.

Remi and Aria were shocked. "What did you just say?" Remi said from gritted teeth. Amai took a deep breath. "All you two talk about is status and wealth. You're selfish and vain. Keiichiro, the only person who understands me in this town, talks about adventures and magic, things that are interesting, and he makes people happy with his gifts and stories. You both could never be as wonderful as him!"

The parlor was quiet. Amai's chest rose with her breathing, which got more tense with each passing second of silence.

Aria stomped up to her, face red. "How dare you?!" With a hard shove, Amai fell to the ground, her grip on her doll loosened with the fall. Remi ran to her side and snatched up the doll.

"Oh my gosh, this thing is hideous! He shouldn't be dressed like a prince; he should be a troll!" The sisters laughed.

Amai pushed herself up, holding herself on the floor with her palms. "Give him back, please!"

Remi snorted. "If you want him, here!" With a jerk, she threw the doll towards the wall. With a loud clank, it smacked against it before dropping onto the ground.

"No!" Amai ran to her doll, falling onto her knees. Her poor prince's arm was now broken, slightly hanging off its elbow. She picked it up, biting back tears.

Remi and Aria chortled, heading back to the party. "You might as well marry that thing, Amai, since you'll never find a real prince who'll love you! Who'd love a girl who reads fairytales and plays with toys?" Their comments drifted away into the living room.

The moment they were gone, Amai stood and went upstairs to her room. She didn't care about the party or her aunt's expectations anymore. All she cared about was her darling doll.

Locking the door behind her, the girl let a couple of tears fall onto the doll's face, hitting his eyes. It made it look like he was the one crying.

"Oh, you poor thing. They hurt you." Laying him on her mattress, Amai went over to a chest at the end of her bed. Opening it, she dug through her sewing supplies and dress materials until she found a small thin ribbon.

Taking the doll back in her hands, she worked gently with the ribbon, tying it around its broken arm. "Here, I'll bandage it up for you. A prince can't have a broken arm, after all."

Securing the ribbon around the arm, making sure it was well against the elbow, Amai tied a knot around the neck. "There! You'll be healed in no time."

For a moment, just a moment, she thought she saw a sparkle in the prince's gold eye. Her mouth gaped. "You're definitely more than a doll, my prince. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I'll love you forever and ever." Every so softly, she placed a kiss on the doll's forest colored hair.

Getting up and grabbing her white nightgown, she went behind the dressing screen. Although he was a doll, it would be inappropriate to get undressed before a man, never mind a prince.

Amai untied the corset behind her and slipped her party dress off. Draping it on the top of the screen and getting into the nightgown, she walked out and sat in front of her vanity to undo and brush her hair. Her snowy locks flew around her when she let it out of the braid and pushed it to her back.

By the time she was all done and ready for sleep, her ears picked up the growing quiet from downstairs, indicating that the party was ending, and guests were going home. She pictured that Aunt Kaya, Aria and Remi were exhausted from all the showing off and entertaining, so there wouldn't be any more scolding or cruel teasing for the night.

"Thank goodness. I don't know if I could survive anymore this Christmas."

Amai turned off the lights and crawled into the covers. Grabbing the doll, she placed it on the bedside table, having it face her. "You can be my guard tonight while I sleep." She giggled, then snuggled into the pillows.

Right before she fell asleep, she let out a whisper. "Good night, my doll prince. I love you."

Dreams stole her consciousness away very soon, the moon of Christmas Eve illuminating the room.

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