last part

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Love always comes back to you. No matter what life throws at you  in the end, love will always work out. Sometimes, it is distance or falling out of love one random day or just there have been issues that built up over time that lead to a breakup. Let's watch together how they slowly fall in love all over again.

2 months later

They both finally fell into a routine again after everything that went on. Slowly but surely they got closer and closer, and also learnt how to balance work, life and spending time together. For the day he mentioned it till now, both of them grew a lot and healed a lot. Kerem was now fully back at work and had 4 officially quit her job. She was gonna look elsewhere now. The workplace wasn't bad, she just needed a fresh start with everything.

“Hande, can you come over, please?”

“I'll come later, alright. Text me when you want me to come”

“After my last meeting, I'll call you ok. I just wanted to check if you're available.”

“For sure, I'm waiting for you. I could even come to your work, and then we can leave from there”

“Ok sounds good, i'll text you when the last meeting starts so you could be here by the time it over”

The day passed, and kerem worked and went to her therapy session. She has been going there for the past 4 months, and it's really paying off for her. She's gotten so much better since the first one till now, but she's going to continue it until she feels she's completely healed.

-meetings are gonna start.

i'll come after therapy. It should be over quickly, but if not, you'll see i haven't texted or i'm not there.

- that's alright. See you soon.

-see ya

After her session, she ubered to his office. And his meeting was around 20 mins from finishing so she just waited in the lobby. She texted him that she's here. And from then their time began. With work and therapy for them, they had time together but not as much so they agreed that either he'll come there or she will come to him when one of them is done and then spend time from then until night together.

“Hey, how are you?”

“Im ok, how are you”

“I'm alright, how was it?”

“Great, I've seen so much improvement within myself, so I'm glad I started it back then. How was work”

“Stressful, we're missing one part, and I can't seem to get it. Neyse, let's go. I'll figure it out eventually”

“Yeah ok. Come one. Where we going”

“Let's go eat, and then we can go from there?”

“Sure, come on.”

They went to eat at one of their favourite places in istanbul. Hes work, and her therapy is in istanbul, so whenever they decide to hang out, ther already the city and don't need to drive 2 hours first. There are things to do in their city, but it's better to do anything all the way there.

“Do you wanna walk around here and then go home or do something closer to home. It's up to you”

“We can walk around the city here for a bit and then head closer to home when it gets to nighttime. You have work tomorrow, so let's not do too much, we can hang out all weekend again together, alright?”

“Sounds good.”

They hung around there for some time more and then went closer to home. What Hande didn't know was that kerem planned to ask her to be his girlfriend again today. He planned something in both Istanbul and near home because he didn't really know where they'd end up by the end of today. He wanted to wait for the weekend, but he was too excited, so he called everyone and asked if it was possible to have the same things for today.

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