merry-go-round - last edited in may 2024

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i feel like life is like a merry-go-round, in a way.

you go around and around 

until you feel sick, and even then, 

you keep going.

i realized that

when i was with my friends 

at dusk

at the park we all used to go to as kids

i laid on my back

and let the merry-go-round spin.

it felt like when you're so drunk

that you can feel the Earth spinning 

on its axis.

merry-go-rounds are kind of scary.

i'm scared most of the time, i think.

but at least now, i'm not alone.

i realized that when i sobbed

in my boyfriend's arms

drunk and sad and scared

for no reason at all

or maybe all of the reasons at once

and even though i was so stupid,

words spilling out like a child

flying down a slide on a warm summer day

he held me

rubbed my back

kissed me even though i tasted like puke

and vodka

and he told me he loved me.

love is funny in that way.

and when that happened i cried more

because i had never felt so safe.

my best friend ordered food

even though he was just as wasted

and we all sat, playing games and laughing

have you ever felt so grateful

to be on a merry-go-round

that even if it's scary and the bolts rattle

like it may careen into the abyss at any moment

that you laugh anyway

because you've never felt more content to float away

as long as you have their company?

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