survival instinct (5th draft) - last edited in jun. 2024

5 1 0

a dog 

cannot befriend a deer.

it doesn't matter what kind of dog;

what breed,

what disposition 

it could be the friendliest dog you've ever met

perhaps a long and fluffy coat

perhaps a persistently wagging tail

and yet when a deer

sees a dog

it immediately recognizes its capacity

for hurt;

for danger.

it will avoid it

without hesitation.

i wish i was more like a deer, in that way.

i wish

that i could see something so sweet 

and so innocent

and realize that everything, no matter how pure

or how gentle a face


and will be

tainted at some point.

"impure" does not always mean something bad;

we are all used in some manner

taken out of our factory shipping package

no longer safely encased in packing peanuts

your best friend is probably no longer a blank slate

there are lines on their face and callouses on their hands

the universe has made them into a canvas

and stretched their skin further and further

until it is enough to begin to carve into.

"used" does not mean "broken," 


there is always hope.

no matter how many times you strip and 

restretch and 

repaint your own canvas

there is always another chance.

this is merely a friendly word of advice.

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