objects (draft 2) - last edited in aug. 2024

6 0 0

if a mason jar was sentient,

do you think that it would mind 

holding things for others?

humans are so determined 

to assign human characteristics

to anything we come across;

but we often fail to remember

that most characteristics

are universal.

things like kindness

are not limited to the human race.

a mason jar is not discouraged

by rough treatment-

despite being glass, you could practically throw it

and it would remain intact.

i'd like to think that if mason jars were sentient, 

they truly wouldn't mind 

being a vessel.

they keep our things visible

through their translucent skin

replacement organs

provided by us

a symbiotic relationship

between the living

and the non-living.

just as humans were built

to innovate

to create

and to evolve

something like a birdhouse

was created to harbor families,

no matter the size

throughout each season.

sometimes i wonder what life would be like

if humans were built for kindness itself

just like a birdhouse.

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