shrapnel shards (draft 3) - last edited in sep. 2024

5 0 0

he always looks so peaceful asleep
his oil-spill curls fall over his nose
and he sneezes through his slumber

i don't care if
the very thought of losing you
tears me shreds
makes me tear me to shreds

i love you like
a parasite loves its host
and like rust loves
wet metal

i don't care that
something so little
can make me cry until i puke
shaking shivering on the bathroom tile

all i can think about
is how you'd buy me flowers
"just because"
even when you can barely
afford bus fare.

how can someone so beautiful
be so devastating

you are jagged metal
and shrapnel in
my veins
and you don't have to love me
the same

just                   look                   at                     me

hold me
for me
i am unworthy
of asking
for anything

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