dog (2nd draft) last edited in may 2024

4 1 0

i am like a street dog.

mangy and bitter

and nothing that has happened

to make me this way

can change the disease that i spread

no amount of sympathy 

can kill a virus

and yet people still romanticize this notion

loving like a "dog" would

crouching in a dark alleyway

mauling those who get close

each noise, even the slightest offset

sending you running as fast as you can

there's a funny thing about writing poetry

the rawness aches; bones and tissues bared

and i almost want to dislike those

who sympathize with my words

because how can someone "good"

crouch in that dark alleyway with something like me?

literature is both 

the purest and the most putrid

form of love.

because here i am, sharing my fleas with you

earnestly; i mean no harm

but how can either of us know their  intentions?

fleas are parasites, just as much as i may be

mange-ridden and snapping with yellowed, chipped teeth

at even the most caring of outstretched hands

a one-man-game of tug-of-war

i reel myself back in

just as quickly as i cast myself out

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