Chapter 11

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First destination: Canada!

My eyes widened and I broke into a huge grin "A world trip?! You mean it?!" I asked and he nodded "Yep! I talked to everyone and they agreed to let us visit their country for a day or two!" I smiled at him but realization hit me.

"Will we be going to Greenland?" I asked softly and he smiled knowingly, like he knew something I didn't. "Lets just say, it'll be the last place we go... for a specific reason of course" He winked and I looked at him curiously, knowing him well enough to know he was hiding something.

But I brushed it off, focusing more on the upcoming trip around the world! I smiled "Where are we going first?" I asked and he smiled "We're going to Canada! Thats why Mattie was over here this morning." He said and I remembered what Matt had said before he left. 'I'm preparing for a special guest that's coming to my country!'

"Oh! So we're the special guests?" I guessed and he nodded "Hurry and get packed and dressed! We're leaving in ten minutes." He smiled and went upstairs and I jumped up and followed, going to my room and quickly packing some sweaters and jeans and some boots, since I knew it got cold there.

I lugged my suitcase downstairs and nearly tripped but Alfie caught me, I guess he really was my hero! He smiled and we talked the whole way to the airport, all the way I could still sense that he knew something I didn't but I didn't push him. He would probably tell me in time.

~Time skip to Canada brought to you by Kumajiro~

When the plane landed, the airport was freezing so I put on my jacket and saw Matt waving at the both of us. "Hi! Welcome to Canada!" He greeted us and I smiled and looked around. It was definitely cold but it was pretty cool too!

Matthew gave us a small tour of Quebec and told us all about his history as a country. I even found a maple leaf and kept it as a sort of souvenir, and Matt even taught me some French since it was their native language.

It was all so interesting! But it made me sad that we had to leave the next day, Alfie said it was so we could get to as many countries as possible (He only managed to get some of the countries to let us visit) and so I went along with it, waving bye to Matthew and Kuma as we went to our next country, Great Britain!
Next destination: England! (LONG LIVE THE QUEEN ~Iggy XD)

The flight from Canada to England was so long so I decided to sleep.

~Time skip brought to you by England's scones... ew~

When we landed, it was early morning and the airport was mostly empty except for a few people who were waiting for their plane and Arthur who was waving to us with a huge grin

"Hello love! Welcome to London!" He kissed my hand and I nodded politely "Thanks! It's really nice here, not nearly as cold as Québec." He smiled and showed us around London, showing us the Queens castle, Scotland Yard, Big Ben and the London eye.

He told us about his history and then he gave me a souvenir teacup with some roses painted on it. This world trip was going well so far and I couldn't wait to see where we went next!
Hello loves! As promised, I have updated today and I probably will update again later, maybe a third time if I feel like it.
You also might've noticed I didn't do Alfie's POV this time around and I probably won't for the next few chapters because he's been to all these countries already and he already knows everything, whereas Krista does not.
But anyway, the next destination is Paris France! And then Japan and then Iceland (I know I'm not going in order but I just really wanna get to Alfie's surprise proposal in Greenland XD just bear with me)
Anyway see you in a bit, bye bye loves!

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