Chapter 12

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After waving goodbye to Iggy, we started on our way to Paris! I was really excited, it had always been a dream of mine to see the Eiffel Tower and be with someone I loved, which just happened to be Alfie!

~Time skip to France brought to you by Francis Onhonhonhon XD~

France stood waiting for us and gave me a rose, smiling at the both of us "Bonjour! Welcome to Paris! Come come, I have much to tell you and show you!"

Francis showed us all around Paris, and even took us up the Eiffel Tower which was really high. Then we went to the Lourve (idk sorry if I spelled that wrong XP) and saw all of the priceless art.

Alfie even took me out that night before we had to leave, and we watched as the Eiffel Tower lit up in the darkness of the night. As we walked back, I got a sweet smelling rose to remind myself of Paris.
Next destination: St. Petersburg, Russia!

I made sure to get a scarf and my heavy jacket for when we went to Russia, Ivan told me it's always cold there, although not as cold as when it was winter. He came and got us and gave me a sunflower, and I took it as a reminder of when we were here.

He showed us around and told us the history of St. Petersburg, about the late czar Nicholas and how his whole family was wiped out during the siege of the palace. He even told us a myth that his daughter Anastasia was possibly still alive, but that it was likely just a myth. (I'm just going off of what I know XP The movie Anastasia was good so... I just had to include what I knew from it XD)
Next destination: JAPAN!!

We waved goodbye to Ivan the next day and were on our way to Japan! I was excited since I loved to read manga.

~Time skip to Japan brought to you by manga XD~

Kiku greeted us with a small smile when we met up with him "Herro, welcome to Japan." He said softly and proceeded to show us around, telling us how they were most popular for their anime and manga and cosplay occasionally. Afterwards, I went out by myself and bought some manga and a small bracelet.

After that, me and Alfie just hung out and wandered around, sometimes he'd have to physically carry me out of an anime store because I couldn't restrain myself.

Our next destination was Greenland! My home! I was so excited I could hardly wait! I could show Alfie all of my favorite places and everything, I just hoped he was as excited as I was.
Hello ma friends, I hope your enjoyed the chapter! I'll do one more since its Greenland and I have something very exciting planned!
Also I'm sorry if I didn't include everything about the countries, I just kinda wanted to hurry so we could get the upcoming chapter so hopefully if your mad you'll forgive me when you read the next chapter :3
I'll do it in a while loves I promise 😊
Bye bye!

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