Chapter 13

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When we got to Greenland, I wasn't expecting anyone to greet us since it was my country.

But apparently I was wrong.

My brothers were there! Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland! I ran up to them and they all gave me a big group hug. Even if we didn't get along at times they were still my brothers and I loved them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked and Denmark smiled "We came to see our little sister of course!" I cocked my head "But I didn't tell you I'd be here... How did you know?"

Iceland face palmed and Norway smacked him upside the head muttering "Idiot." Over and over again. Finland smiled and took my hands "America told us about the trip! So we came to greet you guys! Also America has something special planned so we came to help you get ready!"

I looked at Alfie and he smiled nervously and he started sweating when Sweden and Denmark grabbed his arms and dragged him away "Meet us at your favorite restaurant little sister! At 7:00 sharp!" Denmark called and I nodded, feeling a little confused.

The others grabbed me and dragged me back to my place I had in Greenland, up to my bedroom and sat me on the bed. Finland opened my closet and picked out a white dress for me. It looked fairly new and I didn't remember buying it, then something clicked in my brain.

They had planned this whole thing!

Finland worked on my makeup while Iceland worked on my hair and Norway helped me put the dress on and pick out some nice high heels and to finish it off, a small red bow in my hair. They even threw some sparkles on me to look extra special.

Alfie's POV

Sweden and Denmark helped me get ready, they had already gotten me a suit and everything which was nice of them and they gave me the ring. It was a ring with a big diamond with small rubies around it. When I asked them where they got it, they just told me not to worry about it.

After I got ready, they gave me a little bit of a pep talk (well, Denmark did at least. Sweden just stood there).

"You'd better take care of our little sister Alfred, if you don't she can call us and we'll be right over! I know we weren't always there for her, but now it's your turn to be there for her. You can always call us for help if you need it though."

I stared at him in awe, I didn't know such seriousness could come from Denmark but I nodded and shook both of their hands and they took me to Krista's favorite place as they had mentioned before.

When we arrived they opened the door for me and there was Krista, standing there looking around nervously. She looked gorgeous and I couldn't stop staring, and I couldn't believe that she was my girlfriend. Out of every guy in the world (quite literally) she had chosen me and I was so grateful.

She noticed me staring and gave a small wave and a small smile. I snapped out of it and walked over to her and kissed her softly "You look beautiful." I whispered and she blushed "Thank you, come on let's eat!" She smiled and I followed her and looked behind me to see her brothers all giving me a thumbs up.
Krista's POV

I had almost forgotten how to speak, I felt like something major was about to happen what with all the fuss my brothers had put into all this. Even Denmark was being serious for once.

Alfie looked so handsome in his white suit and tie, with his hair slicked back avoiding his cowlick of course. He looked nervous though and I couldn't figure out why, he kept fidgeting in his chair and always patting his jacket pocket. As if to make sure something was there.

When it was nearly time to leave, he stopped me from standing up and got up himself and kneeled in front of me. Getting on one knee, he fumbled to get something out of his pocket and then I saw it.

The box.
The ring.

I immediately got tears in my eyes and I smiled at him "A-Alfie..." He smiled nervously at me "K-Krissy... I love you with all my heart and... I know you've felt alone most of your life, but I want to take all that loneliness away... Krista, will you marry me?"

I nodded my head vigorously, my hand shaky as he put the ring on my finger and he hugged me tightly "Oh my god Alfie I love you, I love you so much!" I cried happily and I even heard him sniffle too.

Behind him I saw my brothers coming towards me and he let go so I could hug them too "Did you all help with this?" I whispered and they all nodded, grinning "We want you to be happy Krista, and if Alfred makes you happy then we're happy for you." Iceland said and I kissed all of their cheeks and hugged them again. Feeling happier than I ever had before.
Long chapter this time to make up for the update I promised but never gave you ;-; sorry loves I promise I'll do an update tomorrow. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I know I had fun writing it :) Next will be a chapter dedicated to the wedding and then soon I'll unfortunately have to end Loving America ;-;
Not after the wedding but soon ;-;
But please don't be too sad because soon after I'll be writing another story! I haven't decided what it'll be about but I'll post something about it when I know :)
Bye bye loves!

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