Chapter 1

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Dedicated to WonderGirl1059
You literally gave me this idea years ago, I gotta write this.

Also, here's the song for the book.


He opened his eyes, and looked around.

Nothing. Just darkness. Emptiness. Silence. Space. Peace. The Place of Deletion.

It was almost like he was underwater. Again. But this time, no pain. No screams. No smiling faces. No-

"Erebus. Game over."

The momentary peace was quickly interrupted by rage. He swung his fists at the darkness, hoping to hurt- to kill -something to make himself feel better. He let out an ear piercing scream, hoping to he heard. He tried to sense anything with him, to feel something.


It took what felt like hours for him to calm down.

I'm not dead, he thought. I refuse to be.


Shut up, brat!

"Game over."

He screamed again, and nothing came out. Memories of his death flashed by his mind, like a movie from a scratched disk.

The redhead girls pouring the water. The taller one laughed the whole time and mocked him. The smaller one cried from the stress of war, but no one saw. Stupid and insane girl, and pathetic and incompetent brat.

But he was all that mattered. The User-that-is-not-a-user. He had held him down and smiled triumphantly while the king of the endermen had begged and struggled and pleaded and argued. How dare he do such a thing!

And how dare that king beg. How dare he die. How dare he lose.

No. I'm not dead. I refuse. I refuse! I refuse!!

I screamed and writhed, and felt mentally for anything he could find. He used his power to the best of his ability, feeling for anything and everything.

And he found something in all this nothingness. Fibers of code, flowing through the nothingness like a snake through sand. His psyche immediately grasped these fibers and pulled like his life depended on it. Which it did.

They were tough, and his whole body burned, burned more than when it did when he died, but he refused to give in. Not again.

Every time he pulled on these fibers, it hurt and felt like his mind was drowning and his body was on fire, and the harder he pulled, the worse it got.

But he didn't stop. He wanted- needed revenge. He needed to make the User-that-is-not-a-user pay. He needed to make him suffer all over again. He needed to destroy him.

Everything hurt, but the fibers were finally starting to fray. He kept pulling, despite the agony. It was a mild inconvenience for this enraged soul.

His eyes teared up, and the tears burned his skin. Finally, a feeling.

He pulled harder. He hurt more.

He let out a pained scream, and in echoed. Finally, a sound.

He fought more. He hurt more.

He opened his eyes and found a flickering scene of the Overworld. Finally, a sight.

He wasn't dead, he refused to be. Even through the pure agony and suffering and hatred, it was worth it.

Suddenly, the tension on the fibers of the Place of Deletion was gone, broken. He relaxed, the flickering scene of the trees and the rocks and the flowers of the Overworld flickering less as he focused on teleportating out of this peaceful darkness and into the new disasters he intended to bring. Teleporting hurt now, and yet once it started, it couldn't stop.

He let out one more blood curdling scream as it felt his body was being ripped into tiny shreds as his whole being was torn in two places at once.

Then Erebus vanished, leaving behind only a few lavender particles.

I'm sorry it's so short, I haven't written in forever, so it'll get better as I write more.

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