Chapter 5

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He stumbled a bit in confusion and quickly stood up straight. How did he get here? One moment he was talking to Feyd, and then the next, he found himself in the mouth of a cave. He hadn't teleported himself; he couldn't teleport at all.

He felt several presences behind him, and he turned. He saw two spiders clinging to the walls, both quite large and with purple eyes. He recognized one of the as Shaikulud, the first queen of the spiders. He assumed the second spider was a second spider queen.

I suppose I'm not the only one with a successor, he thought, greeting Shaikulud with a small nod.

He also noticed a tall muscular zombie, who was just glaring at everyone else. He didn't recognize him, but decided that the original zombie king wasn't here for several reasons; being too stupid, too annoying, and overall very forgettable. However, this one just seemed like his only con was being annoyed.

He also saw a tall skeleton, sitting silently, counting arrows. He had a longbow made put of bones, and seemed more rational than most of the newer generation of monster royals.

Next to the skeleton hovered a blaze, who was... very effeminate. But he looked confident and competent. However, a nether creature- even of a different species -couldn't help but remind him of-

"Miss me, enderman?"

A chill went down his spine at the sound of that voice. Goosebumps spread over his dark scarred skin. His chest felt tight. His face felt hot and his body felt cold. A feeling came over him- not fear, but certainly discomfort.

The king turned and looked up at the ghast floating just outside the cave entrance. He had a large egotistical smile on his baby-like face, but he also looked frustrated. The ghast let out a quiet cat-like hiss.

"It's unfortunate we remember how we died, isn't it?" Malacoda said, all passive aggressive.

The enderman king tried to approach the ghast and give him a sassy remark, but he found be couldn't move and his voice wouldn't work. Well, at the very least, he had an idea on why he couldn't teleport anymore.

"Tell me, enderman, what was your death like? I'm sure it was pathetic." The ghast king laughed, a booming mocking sound.

The worst part is is that he's not wrong, he thought, curling his hands into fists. My death was pure humiliation. And yet... I think being in his presence and dehumanized by this floating gas bag might be worse.

"That's enough," came a voice from the shadows, and they all turned to find a glowing white pair of eyes glaring back at them.

They all fell silent and stepped back as Herobrine stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlight. "All of you are equally disappointing." He folded his arms and glared at all of them.

Well, that definitely destroyed any self esteem any of them had left.

Herobrine only looked them all over, and his eyes paused before landing on the enderman king. "You. I sensed you with Feyd. Why isn't he here?"

The zombie king opened his mouth but Herobrine glared at him with a look that told him to be silent or else.

The king stood up straight. "Well, sire, my successor had..." he trailed off. Did he really want to get his new friend- no, acquaintance -in trouble already for being a traitor.

He expected the answer to come easily to him, but then he remembered Feyd's warm gentle hands holding his face when he started to panicked, and the concerned look in his eyes, and the hurt he seemed to already feel a lot, and the way being around him felt warm and soft inside.

He couldn't, not now.

He cleared his throat, and before he knew it, he was changing up the answer he already had in mind. "Well, he told me he couldn't teleport as of now," he said, hoping that it was partially true for his own sake. After all, he never did ask if his successor was also unable to teleport.

"You didn't teleport here willingly. I told Malacoda to bring you both here. Why did it only work on you?" The shadow crafter asked, lifting a brow.

It must be because he's on the opposing side now, so he must not have control over him to that degree, he thought.

"Perhaps it is because of he respawned naturally after earning enough experience. I clawed my way out of the Place of Deletion, and you must have brought out everyone here yourself."

Herobrine nodded. "That must be it." He lofted his gaze back to the ghast. "Let him teleport himself around."

"Sire?" Malacoda looked annoyed.

"You heard me." He turned to the king of the endermen. "Find Feyd and bring him here. As for the rest of you, follow me down into the cave; I have a plan for how to get revenge on the User-that-is-not-a-user."

The previous enderman king flashed the king of the Nether a sly grin, before noticing the zombie king glaring at him. He realized the zombie probably knew of Feyd's betrayal, and would tell everyone- including Herobrine -about it.

It it wouldn't just be Feyd to suffer the consequences.

Erebus quickly teleported away from everyone, knowing full well that he things were going to get a lot harder for both the endermen kings.

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