Chapter 10

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He wasn't happy when Erebus had been teleported back. He was even less happy now, coming back to the village to find confused chaos from within.

He ran through the alleyways, looking for the User-that-is-not-a-user as he watched buildings burn. There was panicked screaming and villagers dumping water on any fire they could. He avoided both as best he could.

How did this happen? I wasn't gone that long! I just was looking for a way to get to the End. Is this my fault? Maybe I could have prevented this. What if I had- "Oof!"

He had run into a tall villager, who was looking around frantically. Digger. By Notch, he had never looked so scared.

"Where are they?" he asked, turning to the king, who had fallen to the dirt. There were tears in his sea green eyes, and he was shaking.

"Who?" He stood quickly, panicked.

"Topper and Filler! Where are my kids?!" he asked, shouted, almost pleaded.

The enderman's eyes widened, and before he could say anything, the father continued his search frantically.

Tears in his eyes, he started looking for the twins. But he found neither of them. No, no, they can't be... he didn't want to finish his thought.

He heard crying, and he turned. Stitcher. She was backed against a stone wall, not trapped but frozen. She was staring off, sobbing without realizing, shaking.

He quickly pulled her away as a wall fell, almost crushing her to death. He waved a hand in front of the girl's face, trying to get her attention. Gameknight999 told me about PTSD, but I've never seen it. This all must remind her of her old village being burned down.

Suddenly, the girl's older sister galloped by on a horse, grabbed her sister and galloped out of the village with her in her arms. She shouted to some NPCs to get out of the village, as it was their safest option.

The village walls were ment to keep things out, not trap them inside. But that's exactly what it did.

He continued his search for his friends. He found a little boy with long black hair in the middle of the village, who was standing on the well and making shrill whistles that cut through the sound of crackling flames and screams like a knife.

Herder was clearly giving out specific commands to his wolves, and he found some of the white furry creatures dragging children out of burning homes and herding animals out of pens.

The boy looked panicked, his dual eyes teary with stress and confusion, but he kept gesturing and whistling. Both of them watched in horror as some of the wolves burst into flames or fell dead from lack of oxygen.

The king ran up and grabbed the lanky boy tightly and ran for the village opening.

"No... no wait!" he struggled against the enderman, crying. He ignored him and kept running, hissing quietly as he felt Herder's tears burn his skin.

He let out a whistle that almost made them both go deaf, and the wolves grabbed who they could and started following.

He handed Herder off to Digger, who was slumped against a tree in defeat. The two hugged tightly, not daring to look at the fire that took loved ones.

He ran back in, and Hunter followed him on horseback. They reached the center of the village, but there was no more screams. No more life.

They looked to each other, distraught. No, he knew they both were thinking. It can't be.

There was a cough, and they both turned towards the watch tower just as the User-that-is-not-a-user stepped out, an unconscious Crafter flung over his shoulder.

They both quickly went over, and Hunter grabbed Crafter. He grabbed Gameknight, throwing him onto his back. They ran.

These two could die if they didn't get out soon.

The redhead made it out of the burning village, and turned in the saddle to face him, her brown eyes wide in panic.


The way to out collapsed on itself, and he skid to a stop, stumbling back. No! No, no, no, no, no, no!

He looked around frantically, shaking with fear. A wide variety of emotions fell down on him all at once, almost crushing him. His heart pounded in his chest, and he could feel it in his throat and hear it in his ears.

Failure! Selfish! Idiot! Worthless! Mistake! Die! Fear! You killed him! You're fault! You're fault! You're fault!

He dropped to his knees, shaking and crying, the tears burning, the smoke burning, the fire burning.

Rage burning?

Before he could think or understand, he felt a familiar hand on his shoulder, the feeling of being in two places at once, then the feeling of clean unharmed grass under him, and finally the feeling of fresh air flowing into his lungs.

He coughed, and glanced up. Familiar angry glowing red eyes bore right into him. He quickly understood what had happened.

"E-E-Erebus," he stammered, reaching put.

His precessor grabbed his wrist, gripping it so tight that it hurt. He winced, and looked him in the eyes, which only seemed angrier.

"I know what you're trying to do, scab," he snapped, a low ender growl escaping him.

"W-w-why would you do this?"

Erebus only frowned and teleported away. He turned his gaze to everyone else. They were all in shock and terror. The only one stable enough- for some insane reason -was Hunter, who ran over to him.

"Are you- wha..?"

He only set the User-that-is-not-a-user down on the grass. He looked to the rest of the NPCs.

Crafter was already being examined by Healers and the village witch, Morgana. He was pale and not moving.

Stitcher only stared off into space, her eyes wide and crazed; shell shock, he remembered. She was hugging herself, staring off into the flames.

Herder was hugging his wolves, crying and stammering apologies as the half that were alive tried to comfort him.

Digger had his face in his hands, shaking, not saying anything. It was a painful sight, watching the big strong man he strong for too long and finally break down.

Your fault! Your fault! Your fault!

"I'm so sorry..." Feyd whispered, as burning tears streamed down his face.

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