Chapter 6

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He bit his lip awkwardly, watching Gameknight, who was sitting on the floor, staring down, wide eyed and shaking.

"I mean.. he is a lot more chill now," he said, in hopes of comforting his friend. "In fact, I... um, stumbled into some water and he pulled me out."

The User-that-is-not-a-user only held his head. Crafter was sat next to him, rubbing his back. Hunter looked annoyed, but seemingly at the situation and not at anyone present. Stitcher looked tired already, and Herder was sitting quietly as he pet a wolf. Digger paced back and forth.

"I swear, he's not as bad anymore. He's still a bad guy, but not a bad guy, you know?" he tried to reason.

Hunter shook her head, looking even more annoyed. "You're really don't get it, do you? This is Erebus we're talking about. He's pure evil."

The enderman king stammered, fidgeting with his hands.

"And much worse is the fact that they're all here. All of them!" Stitcher said, folding her arms nervously.

"Well, what do we do?" he asked. There was a silence, then murmuring.

He looked down at his hands, examining the burns in them thoughtfully.

He didn't want to believe Erebus was bad. Or at least not evil. Sure, he clearly had his flaws and could be harsh, yet there was something about those flaws that said more.

What did they say though?

Well, he thought they said that he was insecure and unsure of himself, and always wanted to look like he was strong and could handle everything on his own.

And they said he was exhausted and humiliated by something, and was tired of being hated.

They also said he needed something. Something important he didn't receive before. Love perhaps?

The enderman king leaned against the Crafting Chamber wall. He knew Erebus lashed out as a defense mechanism. Maybe he could help with that; find a new healthy coping mechanism, and maybe even give him some of what he needs.

Someone snapped their fingers in his face. Hunter, sassy and rude as usual. "Hey!"

He looked to her, tilting his head. "Hm, what?"

She only rolled her eyes. "We decided that we're going to be ready for when they inevitably attack. But this does mean we need you to try and keep the endermen on your side and off you-know-who's side." He glanced at the User-that-is-not-a-user, clearly trying not to trigger another anxiety attack.

Maybe Erebus was to him as Hunter was to Gameknight999. Someone who acted annoyed and harsh yet playful and mocking to you, but secretly cares very much about you and wants to help or even protect you.

Why did his face feel warm just now? And why did his skeleton feel fuzzy?

Hunter cleared her throat.

"Oh, yeah, right. Gotta keep them on my side. Shouldn't be too hard," he said, trying to look as confident as possible.

She shooed him away, and he quickly left and climbed his way out of the Crafting Chamber and started walking back. He had to go to the End and talk to the endermen about what was going on and convince them to fight- hopefully -only one more battle.

He suddenly stopped, realizing the issue. Wait, he thought, face-palming, and sighing as a new stress washed over him How am I supposed to get to the End if I can't teleport?

He tried to think, but the sounds of the villagers getting ready for battle made it hard to do so.

He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, then the feeling of being in two places at once. He turned to who bad touched him just as he found himself back in the woods, by the stream, where he had met-

"Erebus?" he couldn't help bit smile at the sight of his friend. Or at least he thought he was a friend.

Erebus's face seemed redder than usual as he turned away and folded his arms. "I was sent to bring you to the rest of the monster royals," he said,and he knew he was feigning something; he couldn't tell what though. "It seems they plan to kill you for betraying them." He let out a forced laugh, trying to be intimidating, and he turned back to his successor. "I can't wait to see how they do it-"

He hugged him, and the taller enderman immediately dropped his harsh and fiery persona. "What are you-?"

"Thank you for not talking me to them," he said before looking up at him and smiling faintly. "I knew you were a friend."

Erebus stammered a moment,the pushed him off him."I'm not your friend, traitor. I wanted to warn you and watch the fear seep into you like it had before. You're so pathetic and worthless-"

Feyd found himself reaching out and holding his processor's warm face in his gently, smiling sweetly as he whispered gently "talk to me, Erebus; what's going through your head?"

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