Hanging Out

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Well life is certainly different for everyone isn't it? Some people have everything while some people have nothing. Some people appear to have everything but there lives are empty while the people who appear to have nothing are really the ones who are the happiest.

Skye's my best friend on the planet. I've known her my entire life even Mercy and I's mom and her mom are really close. Everyone seemed to notice that Skye could relax me when I was having issues or she could get me to do whatever she wanted me to do. Skye knows it and she would get me to act right.

When I was about 10, we lost my Grandpa and I took that really hard. Him and I were very close and that's a really hard thing to take. I was his buddy and we would go and do all kinds of things together. We would go ride 4 wheelers or start campfires and talk about different things. About growing up and he'd always tell me, "Boy just because your a man don't mean you gotta bury your feelins. Your grandma taught me that." He understood mental health and later I'd find out when I was about 13 or 14 when I was really bad, he had depression really bad.

Well anyway when he passed, I started to have a lot of issues mentally. I had a lot of sadness and anger running through me. It got so bad that if a man looked at me in a way I deemed funny, there was going to be a fight. I didn't care about height, weight, or anything, I'd fight you. I started hanging out with the "bad" crowd and my poor mama and my twin sister were put through the ringer. There were multiple times they got calls that I'd been jumped and was in the hospital or I'd stay out all night trying to find something to get high so I didn't think. They would get calls that I'd overdosed and was in the hospital.

Finally when I was 14, my mama and Mercy finally had a conversation. They decided that if Skye's parents would take me, I could go live with them and maybe that's what I needed to change for the better. Well that's exactly what happened, I ended up moving in with Skye. It wasn't an overnight change but eventually I did start to get better. The turning point for me was one night I was having a really bad night and Skye came in to my room. She could tell something was up so eventually she got me to break and talk to her. After that, I felt free and started to straighten up. I stopped doing bad things and actually even played football. During our Junior year of high school, Mercy, Skye, and I all started training to Wrestle.

This kid moved up here around that point and joined our class. His names Alex, he's pretty cool well him and Mercy hit it off and started dating. Well last year, Mercy gave birth to Jeremiah. I love that little boy, he's so cool. Me and him are really close, it's that cool uncle, little nephew relationship. He gets me in more trouble then anybody but I still love him to death, I'd take a bullet or get hit by a train for him anytime.

Well today we all finally got some time off. I'm hanging out at my house when my phone rings. I set my guitar down before seeing it's Skye and answering.

Me: Hey Bubble.

Skye: Hey Kaibeeee!

Me: What are ya up too?

Skye: Nothing and I'm so boreddd!

Me: What's Kyle doin?

Skye: Sleeping.

I sighed.

Me: Of course haha.

Skye: Haha leave him alone Kaibee. Hey can I...

I already knew where she was going with her thought so I answered before she could even actually ask.

Me: ...Yes Bubble, you can come over.

Skye excitedly squealed.

Skye: Thank you Kaibee! I'll see you soon! I love you!

I chuckled.

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