CCW Chaos & Tattoo Troubles Part 2

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*Continuation Of Last Chapter*

Every since I got off the phone with Skye, my mind hasn't stopped racing. What happened with Skye? Is she okay? Did the tattoo freak her out? Those are just some of the questions that have been running through my mind. I got up and threw on some sweats and a t shirt before going to sit on the couch. I sat on the couch and tried to scroll through X but I couldn't focus on it. I knew someone who would be up and knew what it was like to be in my shoes so I called him up.

Me: Hey Jaguar J?

JJ: What's up Maserati MJ?

Me: Bro I can't lie about it, I'm freakin the fuck out.

JJ: What's goin on lil bro?

I sighed before telling him the story.

Me: Alright bro so you know how I had that tattoo appointment today right?

JJ: Bro you fuckin had a street fight last night and STILL went to get tatted up!? You're fuckin nuts bro.

Me: Um J...

JJ: ...Haha I know bro, Pot kettle. Go ahead though.

I took a deep breath before continuing.

Me: Anyway, Skye went with me right? I got my chest, back, both sleeves and both hands down. Well on my right hand you know how Skye always writes, "Property of SkyeBee" right?

JJ: Yeah bro.

Me: She did it today. Well when she did, I got an idea...

JJ isn't just crazy he's smart too so he already knew where I was going with this.

JJ: You got it tattooed on your hand didn't ya?

Me: Yeah.

JJ: Well I mean it's true. You're all hers after all haha.

Me: Damn you're in a good mood tonight.

JJ: We finally got a fuckin off day and Mama and I ain't left the bedroom bro.

I gagged at his story.

Me: Nevertheless, I paid for my tattoos and nabbed a pizza before headin back to Skye's crib right? Kyle was over there and we all ate together before we all hugged then Skye kissed the tattoo. I took off and thought everything was cool. Anyway Bubble just called me cryin askin to come over and sayin she needed me...

JJ: ...And now you're trippin out because she's upset and you're worried you fucked up or she's in trouble. Am I close?

Me: Actually you're right on the money...again. Bro, how the fuck do you do this!?

JJ: Bro no disrespect or nun but your life...I already been there, done that. Look Gio and I been through something pretty much identical. Get yo ass ready bubba, your wildest fuckin dream might be gettin ready to come true.

Me: Bro I don't know about that. The Dolphins ain't lookin too hot.

JJ: Imma beat you.

We shared a laugh.

JJ: Just try to relax bro. It's you and your Bubble.

Me: Alright bro.

JJ: Alright lil bro. Hey I'm gonna hop off hear and Mama and I are gonna see if she can turn my face into a lazy boy.


JJ: Haha! Hey if you knew what happened in the angry chair, your ass wouldn't ever sit in it again.

Finally a knock came at the door. Thank you God for getting me out of this conversation.

Me: She's here bro. Tell Sis, I love her. I love you, you wacky motherfucker.

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