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Tonight, I'm hanging out when I get a call from Julia Hart. She's a friend of mine so I didn't mind picking up her call.

Me: Sup Jules?

Julia: Hey Kaiiii!

Julia is always so happy and I don't know how. Skye's the same way and there both just drawn to me. I have no clue why but I'm not going to over examine something that doesn't need to be examined in the first place.

Me: How's the shoulder doin?

Julia: It's better. Hey do you want to come over? Maybe help me out with rehab~

This is how you can tell either I'm completely head over heels in love with Skye or I'm just a wack job. I'm like JJ in a lot of ways, including our love or borderline addiction to Blonde women. However, Julia's attempt at flirting did nothing for me. I'm extremely happy where I'm at.

Me: No I'm okay Jules.

Julia: Booooooo!

Me: Not the first time I've been booed but hey do you know Alex?

Julia: Your big brother and JJ's friend?

Me: Yeah that's him. What do you think about him?

Julia: He's a great wrestler and he's really handsome. Why? Isn't he married to Mercy?

Me: Yeah, but they're...I don't fuckin know what they are. I don't ask questions because don't wanna know, don't need to know. Anyway, y'all could have some fun together. I'll have him come help ya out.

Julia: Okay Kai. I'll talk to you soon.

Me: Alright Jules.

We hung up before I went to sleep. I have no fucking clue when I became fucking but I'm not gonna question it. If I did question it, that might be a situation where I get answers that I don't want so I just went to sleep.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up today a little earlier then normal. Actually I was woken up and that usually takes an army to do. Usually something horrible happened or it's Skye that wakes me up. I grab my phone to see Skye FaceTiming me. Talk to my baby is obviously the first thing I wanna do when I first get up so I enthusiastically answered her call with a half tired smile on my face.

Me: Hey Babygirl.

Skye tried to fight it but a small smile grew on her face for a quick second before it dissappeared.

Skye: Don't call me cute nicknames when I'm mad at you Bighead.

Me: What's wrong Baby? Where's my Bubbles at?

Skye smiled again before it once again disappeared.

Skye: Your "Bubbles" isn't here right now. She's mad at you because when she woke up, you weren't holding her and she was cold. Not only was she cold, "Bubbles" was lonely AND she missed you.

Me: I sowwy baby. What can I do to make it up to you? You can get anything your heart desires.

Skye paused for a few seconds.

Skye: Anything I want?

Me: ANYTHING you want babygirl.

Skye paused again. She tapped her finger on her chin and acted like she was thinking. After about a minute, Skye smiled.

Skye: I want to come over and hang out with my handsome dork.

Me: You got it baby. Is that all?

Skye: And cuddles.

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