I Swerve When I Drive

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I'm so glad to be back at work. I'm hanging out in catering with Mercy and Anna. There all over each other and if it wasn't my sister, I wouldn't care and it'd be kinda cute but it's my sister so it's a little different.

Me: Hey sophomore class can you take a pause for the cause?

Mercy continued to try to stick her tongue down Anna's throat as she grabbed an apple. If I hadn't moved, the apple would've hit me right between my eyes at about 95 miles an hour. I swear Mercy could've been the first woman major league pitcher if wrestling didn't work out. What I didn't know was Skye came up and sat beside me. When I saw her, I smiled.

Me: Hey Baby Girl.

Skye smiled really wide.

Skye: Baby Girl?

Me: Yeah do you like it?

Skye: I don't know. Say it again.

Me: Okay...

I smiled at her before leaning in and whispering in her ear.

Me(whispering): ...Babygirl~

Skye smiled while blushing deep red. I pulled back before looking at Skye's blushing face as she smiled and bit her bottom lip.

Skye: That was meannnn~

I smiled at her before going to put my arm around Skye. When I did, she pushed me away.

Skye: No...

I smiled at her before grabbing her chair leg. I pulled her chair close to me before I gently grabbed her face from under her bottom jaw. I then turned it and made her look at me. She had a pout on her face before I stuck my bottom lip out.

Me: Don't be mad at me SkyeBee. I sowwyyyy! I wove youuu.

Skye couldn't hold it back anymore. She finally broke and smiled while she let a cute little giggle escape her lips. I guess Mercy and Anna stopped trying to suck each other's faces off and took notice of Skye and I.

Mercy: Bubba you're such a dumbass.

I hid my face in Skye's chest. Skye's hand immediately went to the back of my head. Her nails started to scratch at my scalp before her lips gently pressed to the top of my head.

Me: Mercy bein meanie!

Mercy: Well you're being a dumbass.

Skye: Leave him alone sis. He's not a dumbass. He is a Dork but he's MY Dork.

In response to Skye's remarks, I took my face out of her shoulder. We made eye contact as we both smiled at each other.

Me: And you're MY Pretty Girl.

Skye slightly blushed at my response. We smiled at each other before we leaned in and soon our lips met. We shared a loving kiss before a familiar accent caused us to break the kiss.

Kyle: I KNEW IT!

Skye and I broke the kiss as Kyle and Will sat at the table with us. Skye and I both blushed.

Me: We good here?

Kyle: Bro of course we are. I knew it was going to happen at some point, just didn't know when. You're my mate, I just want you both to be happy.

I smiled at Kyle before I wrapped my arm around Skye. I leaned down and gently pressed my lips to the top of her head. I pulled away before Skye stood up. She then sat on my right thigh before she wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arm around her waist before we kissed.

Me: Comfortable?

Skye: VERY comfy.

I smiled at her before kissing her cheek.

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