What A Day

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I woke up spooning Skye. I noticed there was a little bit of space between us so I gently pulled her into me, eliminating all remaining space between us in the process. I kissed her cheek before laying my head back down on the pillow. Skye in return rolled over to face me before wrapping her arms around my neck. She opened her beautiful eyes before flashing her smile then leaning in and giving me a kiss.

Skye: Goodmorning Handsome.

Me: Goodmorning Pretty Girl.

Skye blushed when I called her "Pretty Girl". She tried to hide it by trying to hide her face in my neck.

Skye(muffled): Babe stoooppppp!

Me: No I'm good. I like complementing MY Pretty Girl.

Skye took her face out of my neck before kissing my cheek.

Skye: Sweet boy.

Me: Only for you.

I gently cupped her cheek and stroked it with my thumb before she leaned in and we shared a kiss. We got out of bed before we got dressed. As I buckled my pants, Skye got my attention.

Skye: Babe?

Me: Yeah babygirl?

I looked over at Skye.

Skye: I'm your baby now, right?

Me: Well duh baby. Why do you ask?

Skye smiled at my response. She maintained her smile as she walked up to me. When she reached me, her hand found it's way inside my shirt before resting on my chest. We made eye contact as she continued to smile at me.

Skye: Then can YOUR Baby just wear this for a while?

She's still just wearing my shirt over her bra and panties. Skye takes her hand out from my chest before she takes a few steps backwards. She then spun around to I guess either torture me or give me a little show.

Me: Baby I'm crazy but I'm not stupid. Of course you can stay like that IF...

I took a bit of a pause and Skye got a little antsy.

Skye: Iffff whattttt Babeeee!?

I smiled at her. I took a few steps forward to her, closing the distance between us before gently grabbing her waist.

Me: Iffff I get a kiss.

Skye smiled up at me before reaching up and wrapping her arms around my neck.

Skye: Come here Dork.

I leaned down before we shared another loving kiss. We eventually broke away before I picked her up. I carried her out into the living room before setting her down on the couch. I then kissed her cheek.

Me: Love you.

Skye: Love you more.

I kissed her cheek again.

Me: Not possible.

I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her before running out of the room. I ran to the kitchen before yelling.


I heard Skye start laughing really hard as I looked in the fridge and I couldn't help but crack a smile at Skye. She has the cutest little laugh and everytime I hear her laugh, I can't help but smile. I grabbed some bacon and eggs before I started frying everything up. I plated everything up before plating our food. I walked back in the living room before setting Skye's plate in front of her.

Skye: Thank you Babe.

Me: Don't mention it Pretty Girl.

I set my food down before sitting down beside Skye. We ate our food while watching TV together. After we finished eating, I took our plates to the kitchen while Skye followed. I started doing the dishes before Skye got my attention.

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