One On One Time

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I woke up this morning all by myself. Once you get a girlfriend and stay with her a lot, you realize how cold the bed is when you first wake up. I grabbed my phone and saw for the first time maybe ever, I was up before Skye. I knew I was up before her because she hasn't blown up my phone with calls and texts. I decided to text her and kinda tease her.

Goodmorning Babygirl💙 you notice anything missing??

My Everything💙🔐:Hmmm maybe me cuddled up to you?? Is that what's missing? Are you cold baby??

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My Everything💙🔐:
Hmmm maybe me cuddled up to you?? Is that what's missing? Are you cold baby??

I'm fuckin freezing baby.

My Everything💙🔐:
My poor baby🥺🥺 me too though baby and look I'm even wearing your hoodie. Heyyy why don't I come over and we can warm each other up🥺🥺

 Heyyy why don't I come over and we can warm each other up🥺🥺

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Get yo beautiful ass over here now😍😍

My Everything💙🔐:
Yes sir🤪🤪 I love you💙💙

I love you too Babygirl💙💙

I smiled at our text exchange. I saved her pic before kissing it. I put my phone on the nightstand before covering back up. A few minutes later, I heard my front door open. Skye's always had a key so she just unlocked the door and walked in. I heard her shut the door back and the door lock.

A few minutes later I heard my door open and I uncover my head as Skye walking up to the bed as we smile at one another. She kicks her shoes off before sitting down on the bed. I open up the covers.

Me: Get in here.

Skye smiled before taking her hoodie off. She got in bed beside me before laying down on her back. I picked my head up and she turned hers to face me. We mutually leaned in and shared a loving kiss before I cuddled into her. I rested my head on her chest with my ear over her heart. Her heartbeat relaxed me but when her nails started scratching the back of my head, I fully relaxed. I let out a long sigh before I melted in to her before her lips gently pressed to the top of my head.

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