CCW Chaos & Tattoo Troubles

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I'm in the back hanging out at the CCW show tonight. AEW is in Chicago next week so we could do these bookings. I'm the champion so I'm in the main event. I'm hanging out at the curtain when Skye comes up and hugs in to me.

Me: Hey Bubble.

Skye: Hey KaiBee!

Me: You ready to go to work?

Skye: Always.

Me: That's my girl.

Skye smiled and slightly blushed when I called her my girl.

Kyle: Actually, she's my girl.

Kyle walked up to us and we dapped up.

Me: Yeah, yeah I know bro.

We all laughed as Skye still clung to me.

Kyle: He's not a tree saving you from getting blown away Babe.

I looked up at Kyle with a smile. I smiled at him before I wrapped my arm around Skye.

Me: Leave her alone, bro.

Skye looked at Kyle with a mischievous smile on her face.

Skye: Yeah!

Skye then stuck her tongue out at Kyle. She's so cute all the time. I really don't know how she manages to be so adorable all the time but she just does. Her antics caused me to laugh.

Kyle: So how you been, mate?

Before I could answer, I felt someone come up and wrap there arm around my shoulders, I look over and see Will smiling back at me. I immediately smiled wide before wrapping my free arm around him.

Me: Billy Goat!

Will: Killer Kai!

I look at him and notice he's wearing a referee shirt.

Me: Um Will, refree shirt? Why?

Will(pointing at Kyle): I'm reffing Bruv's match.

Me: Oh okay, cool.

Skye looked up at me as her music hit with a cute smile on her face.

Skye: Wish me luck?

I smiled down at her.

Me: Good luck Bubble.

We finally unattach from each other. Skye walks out to her match before Kyle and Will walk down with her. A few minutes later, I hear Kyle's music hit. That peaked my interest so I went down to the curtain as Will's music hit. I start running down and when I see them all in the ring together, I put it all together. Skye is working Kyle in a match. Even though I'm not a fan of indergender wrestling, I try to push everything down and remind myself it's just business.

Yeah, that didn't last long at all. The minute he slapped Skye's ass, I stormed off to the locker room. I grabbed the belt and headed to the bookers office. I swung the door open before I looked at the booker.

Me: I'm dropping the strap tonight. Finish, go home. Don't come near me and give my payoff either to the youngest talent here or split it between a few younger talents.

I didn't let the booker get a word in edgewise before the door slammed shut. I walked back down to Gorilla but didn't watch the match in the ring. I look over at the tech when they were halfway back.

Me: Hit my music, NOW.

The tech didn't ask any questions as he hit my music. I threw the courtain open before I walked out and the crowd EXPLODED. I started playing to the crowd and slapping fives with the kids. I stopped when I spotted a little boy in the front row, he couldn't have been older then 4 or 5. I took my jacket and shirt off before grabbing a sharpie from another fan. I then signed both my jacket and shirt before giving him another high five and messing his hair up. I slid in the ring before I jumped on the turnbuckle and posed. I then jumped down and handed the belt to the ref.

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