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Hello. This rant was written by skyler as usual but this time we have the help of Ninetales. This should be good. So here we have this weird girl names sydney who has problems and we need answers. Here is a list of 100 questions we ha e for this odd species.

1. What's your problem?

2. Why does your nose bleed so much?

3. Are you from this planet?

4. Why are you so mean to Ninetales?

5. Why do you have friend issues?

6. Why do you think your popular?

7. Why did you date Jake?

8. Why do you think jake likes you? ( he doesn't ..)

9. Why do you like girly/quinton?

10. Why do you hate Skye? (she is pretty so don't say she isn't hehe)

11. Why is the teacher out to get you?

12. Why do you gloat?

13. Why do you get a whistle in gym class?

14. Why are you so mean?

15. Why do you think your all that?

16. Why does no one like you?

17. Do you and quinton have some sort of relation ship that we are unaware of?

18. Do you still like Jake?

19. Why do you cry when the teacher asks you a question?


21. Why do you hang out with the popular girls?

22. Why are you the way you are?

23. Why do you call your teacher bad names by accident ( but really it was done because you think your funny )

24. Why do you think your funny? ( the year book )

25. What makes you think we are all your best friends?

26. Why are you so sensitive?

27. What's with the hair?

28. So what you have a cell phone and get good grades? So do I.

29. Yes we know you and Jake dated for 14 hours. Can you stop talking about it now?

30. Why do you get mad so easily?

31. Why do you spaz?

32. Why do you think the world revolves around you?

33. Why do you have problems?

34. Why must you stab people in the back?

35. Why do you humiliate people?

36. Why must you be such a bum?

37. Why do you gloat about grades? It's mean.

38. Why do you show off your clothes? They aren't that cool.

39. Why do you embarrass innocent people?

40. Why do you talk about how your friends should be better friends to you? You should take your own advice.

41. Why must you talk Bout yourself?

42. Why did you post that comic of my on the internet?

43. Why?

44. Why must you act innocent?

45. Why are you the worlds largest turd?

46. Why do you think your a rebellious teen? -cough- goodie two shoes -cough-

47. Why do you think your Soo cool?

48. Are you a man?

49. Why do you think you passed your goody two shoes 'title' to Jocelyn?

50. Why is it that you can ONLY talk about glee? ( and your self)

51. Why do you think we care about your shopping trips with Robyn?

52. Why do you think that we will forgive you so easily? ( after you are a massive turd)

53. Why do you think you can hang out with us after you make it very obvious that you don't want to be our friend? -cough- desperate -cough-

54. Why do you think all the boys like you?

55. Why do you think make-up makes you cool?

56. Why do you talk about make up?

57. Why do you flaunt your make-up?

58. Why do you tell people you don't eat if you don't want anyone to know?

59. If you don't eat why are you fat?

60. Why do you want to be Kaylan?

61. Why do you say you don't eat?

62. Are you that desperate for attention?

63. Why do you think clothes make you cool?

64. Why do you think your cute?

65. Why do you think that your cool because you go to camp

66. Why do you always say "all my friends have facebook"? ( I guess that means we aren't your friends)

67. Why do you think that because you have facebook your cool?

68. Why do you brag about facebook? Big woop.

69. Why do you always say you talk to SOOOOOOO many people on facebook and then later admit that elaine is the only person that talks to you? On email.

70. Why do you think your hot? Skyler is hotterrr.

71. Why do you talk to quinton? It doesn't mAke you cool.

72. Why do you think nobody knows that your smile is fake?

73. Why do you scream at niner?

74. Why do you think the world revolves around you?

75. Why do you ask people if they see a difference in your appearance and then get mad when they don't see anything different?

76. Why do you think being mean gets you friends?

77. Why do you always say "ooo I have a secret but I can't tell you guys"?

78. Don't you think it's odd that you and the big fat chunky bulky HUGE horse have the same name?

79. Why must you always give us dirty looks and make racist comments or stupid comments?

80. Do you believe in Santa?

81. Who made you the ruler of life?

82. Why do you think that when we goof-off it's dumb but when you do it, it's okay?

83. Why do you think that spending all your money on stuff makes you cool?

84. Why do you think you DON'T have issues?

85. Why do you plan out your future?

86. Why do you talk like you know everything about wattpad?

87. Why do you think having a phone makes you so cool? I have the same one but a better model. Hah.


More to come.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2011 ⏰

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