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THE piece of chocolate tasted surprisingly sweet as she put another piece into her mouth. wet tears slid down her cheeks as she lay in bed, eating a dark chocolate bar from rachel's "secret" stash.

"i'm here! anna?" rachel's voice rang out through their shared apartment as she walked through the door. anna heard the rustling of shopping bags being set haphazardly on the kitchen island before she heard quick footsteps near her bedroom door.

rachel thrust the door open to find anna laying in bed, curled on her side. anna had one of her secret chocolate bars in front of her and her phone was unlocked to reveal another screenshot of her ex-boyfriend with her sorority sister.

in this photo, her ex-boyfriend was proposing.

"he proposed to her today, rach. he fucking proposed. that means i was the side-chick. how do you even... like do you even understand how fucked that is?" anna cried out, her voice cracking as she slipped into a sob towards the end of the sentence.

the bed dipped down as rachel sat by anna's folded knees. she grabbed her chocolate bar and broke a piece off for herself.

"totally, seriously, massively, tom cruise in top gun if i was there, fucked. i know, dear." rachel replied with her mouth full of chocolate.

"i found out he was cheating two weeks ago. two WEEKS ago!" anna dragged her hands down her face and groaned out. rachel rubbed her knee.

"i know. good thing you're going to make out with one, or several, hot cowboys tonight at the concert and forget he existed." rachel replied, her voice lifting higher towards the end like she was questioning anna.

anna had recently been so consumed with her studies, her after-school job, and her depressive emotional state that she had almost forgot about the concert she had let rachel talk her into a few weeks prior.


"oh, rach, i don't know. look at me, i don't think i will be able to go." anna sighed out, tears starting to well up in her eyes again. rachel rolled her eyes.

"anna, look. i love you. i really do. he obviously didn't. i know nothing i'm going to say can soak up whatever this... is." rachel started in on her. she motioned with her hand in a circle around anna's face. "but you're going tonight. i bought you a banging outfit that you're going to look good in and you're going to drink bad beer that you think tastes like grass and forget about him for tonight. you can do this tomorrow when you're hungover and i'll buy you a greasy cheeseburger to make you feel better. healing comes in waves and tonight you're going surfing, baby." she winked at anna and shot her a smile. anna groaned out again but she did crack a small smile.

"did you get that off pinterest?" anna questioned her friend. rachel and anna liked to play a game with each other where they tried to work in ridiculous quotes in a normal conversation to make the other laugh.

"facebook deep dived for that one. figured you could use it later. did it make you want to go to the concert with me?" rachel laughed out.

"not quite, rach." anna replied.

"how about this?" rachel passed anna her phone, showing her a picture of morgan wallen in a tight white t-shirt and even tighter blue jeans holding a guitar.

anna looked at the picture for a second and tried to see what appealed to rachel.

rachel was from a very small town in the middle of a rural area in tennessee, and she had repeatedly told anna that all the guys looked exactly like morgan in her hometown. she backed herself up by showing pictures of her ex-boyfriends and anna did have to agree with her.

and while anna was from a small town too, she never classified herself as country per say and really didn't understand half of what morgan wallen sang about.

she hated to fish or hunt because she didn't like hurting the animals. she absolutely hated the taste of beers and the smell of cigarettes.

all of that though, was definitely rachel's type. and that described her current boyfriend, jason, perfectly.

and while jason always did send anna on dates with his friends, all of them had turned out to be idiots.

none of them had exuded the classic, southern-boy charm that morgan sang about and anna had yet to experience it at all despite living in nashville for two years.

so far, she chalked it up to men overcompensating for their lackluster personalities and shrugged it off.

they were men after all.

"ummm..." anna trailed off. she half smiled at rachel as she handed her phone back. rachel scoffed and rolled her eyes again. she pushed herself off of anna's bed and motioned between her friend and the bathroom.

"go do your hair. jason is going to be here to drive us to the stadium in two hours." anna checked the time on her phone.

it was only two in the afternoon.

anna only had one class on friday mornings at 8 am and she had finished all of her homework ahead of the weekend in a depressive episode she had a few days ago. she had needed a distraction and her biology homework served that very purpose.

rachel had still been sleeping soundly in her bed across the hallway when anna had left that morning, but that's how it normally went. on thursday nights, rachel normally went out to the bars and had yet to convince anna to come along with her.

but when anna returned from class around 9:30, rachel was gone. anna was greeted by her dog, ajax but no rachel.

"rach, why are we going so early?" rachel had left her room a minute ago but returned clutching several bags of new clothes from the mall.

"because we have to get in line, duh. here, try these on and i want to see all of them." she tossed a few bags on the bed next to anna's feet and left the room to go try her new clothes on.

anna should have guessed that's where rachel went. she was always one to need a new outfit for things like this.

finally sitting up in bed, anna started rummaging through the bags. she groaned internally as she starting pulling out what rachel had bought for her.

"rachel!" she screeched, finally laying the clothes out to view the outfit in full.

rachel only laughed from across the hallway at her friend.

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